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在餐飲產業大舉擴張版圖的時代中,餐飲業從業人員是不可或缺的靈魂角色,而大量的人力流動,除了會造成訓練成本的增加,也會影響服務品質,餐飲業主管面對第一線服務人員的領導與管理,必須要更加貼近員工、符合員工內心的期待,並使員工願意配合公司的規劃與安排;員工的內心認知,佔了員工對工作動機與態度的大部分影響,在帶人要帶心前提下,主管能夠身先是卒、以身作則就顯得相當重要。 因此,本研究旨在探討餐飲產業家長式領導、組織氣候、留任意願與心理契約之相關性,並以心理契約為中介變項。研究結果發現:(1)家長式領導對心理契約有正向影響,(2)組織氣候對心理契約有部分正向影響,(3)家長式領導對留任意願有部分正向影響,(4)組織氣候對留任意願有正向影響,(5)心理契約對留任意願有正向影響,(6)心理契約對家長式領導影響留任意願有部分中介效果,(7)心理契約對組織氣候影響留任意願有部分中介效果。本研究的結果,希望能提供餐飲業主管在進行員工領導與管理之參考,以期提升組織內部員工留任意願。
The catering employees paly as major roles in the era of promising catering industry. However, excessive flow of talent not only increases the cost of training but also affects the quality of service. In order to lead and manage these customer service personnels, the catering manager must try their best to meet the expectation of their employees, and make them agree with the company policy and plan. Employees’ commitment to the company is the most major part to motivate themselves to work with proper attitude. To cultivate the commitment toward the company, it is important that managers become role models for employees to learn and follow. This study aims to examine the correlation among paternalistic leadership, organizational climate, intention to stay and psychological contracts on the position in catering industry. Psychological contracts is served as the intervening variable. The results showed: (1)Paternalistic leadership have a positive impact on psychological contracts. (2)Organizational climate have a positive impact on psychological contracts is only partial. (3)Paternalistic leadership have a positive impact on intention to stay is only partial. (4)Organizational climate have a positive impact on intention to stay. (5)psychological contracts have a positive impact on intention to stay. (6)The mediation of psychological Contract in paternalistic leadership effecting on intention to stay is only partial. (7)The mediation of psychological Contract in organizational climate effecting on intention to stay is only partial. The study is offered as a reference when catering managers lead and supervise their employees to raise up the intention to stay on and company recognition.



家長式領導, 組織氣候, 留任意願, 心理契約, Paternalistic Leadership, Organizational Climate, Intention to stay, Psychological Contract





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