dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學台灣語文學系 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 李勤岸 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2016-01-12T06:54:29Z | |
dc.date.available | 2016-01-12T06:54:29Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2014/08-2015/07 | |
dc.description.abstract | 台語文刊物代表台語文運動的路線、方向與興衰。台語文的標準化進展、台語文學 創作與發展、台語復振運動的起浮,均可從台語文刊物的創刊、出版、停刊,以及主編、 作者、作品中研究出一個清晰的經緯脈絡。這些刊物的研究對於此語言在語言復振,以 及文學風格與文化面貌的了解,應該是重要而有所貢獻的。 戰後台語文刊物,如海外有1974年在美國New York發行的《台灣語文月報》,1991 年在美國洛杉磯發行的《台文通訊》;國內則有80年代的《台語文摘》、《掖種》,90 年代的《蕃薯詩刊》、《蓮蕉花》、《茄苳》、《菅芒花》;2000年以降,又有《台文 罔報》、《海翁台語文學》、《海翁台語文教學》、《台文戰線》、《首都詩報》等。 這些刊物有純文學性質的,如《蕃薯詩刊》、《台文罔報》,也有語言運動性質的, 如《台文通訊》,也有語言教學性質的,如《海翁台語文教學》。大多數刊物則兼具文 學與教學性質,或文學與語言運動。到底不同性質的刊物,與不同的社會背景,文化氛 圍有什麼關係?它們又各扮演什麼角色,各自做出什麼階段性貢獻?又如何在文學史或 語言運動史上給予適當的定位?以及戰後不同刊物及時期所使用之台語文字做整理研 究分析,本計畫希望用三年時間來研究解答。 第二年計畫預計統整首年計畫的數位化檔案,並持續對於未數位化之刊物建檔,同 時加以分類、進行台語文刊物中台語文用字的研究,此工作需耗費相當程度人力來做電 子化的細部工作,及對於各刊物數位檔案完整預計可望在第二年的計劃階段,數位化檔 案程度達到百分之八十五。第三年則預計將全數獲得版權之數位化台語文刊物,並將三 年來之計畫整理研究出的資料,做一有系統規劃且上傳至網路,對於研究台語文復振運 動,台語文學史,以及台灣文化現象的學者應會具有極大的參考、研究價值,冀望能替 台語文研究帶來更多專業研究空間、資源,及得以延續保存珍貴台語文學、台語語言運 動等資料。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Taiwanese periodicals stand for the route, direction, prosperity and adversity of Taiwanese language movement. The development of standardization of the language, the creative writing and promoting of Taiwanese literature, and the rise and fall of the language revitalization all could be sketched out a clear profile from the initiating, publishing, and ceasing publication or the editor, writers and writing style of journals. It should be crucial and contribute to the language revitalization, literature style and cultural phenomenon. There are several Taiwanese periodicals after World War II. Two of them were issued abroad - Taiwan language and literature Monthly in New York, 1974, and Taiwanese Forum in Los Angeles, 1991. In the 80s, there were some journals, namely Taiwanese Digest, Seeding;and Yam Poetry, Lian-tsiau Flower, Ka-tang, Kuann-bang Flower in the 90s. After 2000,Taiwanese Bong Paper, Whale Taiwanese Literature, Whale Taiwanese Teaching, TaiwaneseBattlefront, Metropolitan Poetry Paper…etc. were initiated and published. Some of the journals are purely literary, like Yam Poetry, Taiwanese Bong Paper; some are related to the language movement, like Taiwanese Forum. There are also journals for language education, such as Whale Taiwanese Teaching. In fact, most of them are within the nature of both movement and literature, and language teaching and literature. Is there any relationship between the nature of the journals and the social context and the cultural background? What role do they play and how do they contribute in the historical stage individually? How can we place them properly within the context of literary history or history of language movement? We will try to answer these questions with a three-year plan. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_B0602_04_006 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76265 | |
dc.language | zh_TW | |
dc.relation | (科技部專題研究計畫,MOST103-2410-H003-009)。 | zh_TW |
dc.title | 戰後台語文刊物研究之二 | zh_TW |
dc.title | A Study of Post-war Taiwanese Periodicals 2 | en_US |