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我國電視購物產業源自1992年「無限快買電視購物頻道」,屬於無店面銷售通路。東森得易購於1999年年底開台,2005年富邦momo台開播,同年ViVa TV購物頻道開台,2011年產業總營收約500億新台幣,全臺灣的電視購物節目覆蓋人數超過總人口的一半以上,其中富邦momo 縱使在發展電視購物比東森購物晚了5年、網路購物也比PChome慢了5年,在2020年,全年營收突破671.98億元,站穩台灣電商龍頭地。晶沛生技有限公司成立於2000年初,在購物業界亦營運10幾年,從初期受惠電視購物產業蓬勃,到後期經歷法令變遷、網路通路等衝擊,仍能屹立不搖,現為30幾名員工的中型企業,至今仍然全心在電視購物通路努力。本研究是探討晶沛如何從內到外建立"故事行銷導入式的服務"。 藉由文獻分析法,結合晶沛資深員工及管理階層的對談,就設立初期到現今,整理晶沛的公司策略和銷售手法的變革。我們比較晶沛與一般其他大型電視購物公司的差別,探討晶沛貫徹服務價值的辦法及問題後發現:晶沛不以業績表現評斷員工,管理經理費心鼓勵幫助後段員工,輔以週會和臨時會議交流銷售心得,經營截然不同的銷售氛圍,豎立核心價值,讓晶沛可以在客單價表現上,有能力領先業界。晶沛生技從創業至今,始終堅持全力發展電話銷售,在產業間實屬少見,當然必須在行銷作為上謹慎,亦步亦趨也是必然的個性。總體除了闡述傳統通路意外地在使用新手法時更能發揮效益外,亦會說明「說故事行銷」配合核心價值的建立,正向風氣文化的營造,如何相得益彰。 文末,整理分析晶沛在為來發展中,可能需要面對通路改變、公司規模擴大、法令變遷等種種不確定因素下,應如何應變及調整。
In 1992, television shopping network industry in Taiwan was first be started from the establishment of “Wúxiàn kuài mǎi TV Shopping Channel”, and soon was knew as a Non-store retailing business. In 1999, EHS had joined the game from opened its own Tv shopping channel. In 2005, Viva and Momo opened their channels, in the same year, market size had raised to 50 billion NTD. In 2020 Momo has dominated the market with annual sale of 67 billion NTD.Ching-Pei, being established from 2000, had been benefited from the awakening of the industry, in the meantime, and impacted by the downtime caused by law-changing and by online shopping arising. Until recently, Ching-Pei has still run its business smoothly and steadily. “Storytelling marketing” is a marketing strategy aiming to make the viewer feel something by using a modified narrative. To disclose Ching-Pei’s secret source, this research is going to study how it imports and implies its core-value, service in storytelling marketing, into their daily work and company running.Second, by using “Document Analysis method”, we collected data from market information, industry reports and interviews with all its senior saleswomen and management team to understand how it implies its value into different periods and strategies. Ching-Pei, not like the others in industry, does not evaluate its saleswoman by sales number. Ching-Pei’s management team spend time to support saleswomen and dedicate to run daily meetings for enhancing in-house communication. The Outcome of these hardworking make Ching-Pei has the highest AOV (Average Order Value) in the industry. Overall, this research could provide a new point that sometimes new marketing strategy would work better on old channel than on the new one. And how important should a company foster its own core value.At last, we will conclude the research by state out every potential threat and opportunity to which Ching-Pei may encounter in long-term and provide suggestions.



電視購物產業, 網路購物, 故事行銷, 核心價值, 客單價, Television shopping network industry, Story-Telling Marketing, Online shopping, Core Value, Average Order Value





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