高中藝術教師跨領域領導與協同教學之個案研究— 以中山女中高瞻計畫(2007~2010)為例

dc.contributorJo Chiung Hua Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorFu, Pin-Huien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以臺北市立中山女中高瞻計畫教師團隊為例,透過一系列深度訪談、檔案記錄和文件分析,探討高中藝術教師與科學教師跨領域協同教學與教師領導實踐之歷程,目的在於了解藝術教師與其他領域教師進行團隊合作,以及開發並執行統整課程之模式、策略和成效,以做為課程與教學創新等相關研究之參考。本研究獲致的重要結論如下: 一、主題式、循環式的多科協同教學跨領域合作,是成就政策導向教育行動研究之有效模式:中山女中高瞻計畫是根據校本課程目標向下發展團隊目標,並依此目標由藝術與科學教師籌組團隊開發統整課程,教師團隊採取主題式、循環式的多科協同教學,過程中以集中研習討論、分散執行教學的特徵進行運作,三年的團隊合作歷程和模式,整體而言就是一次教育行動研究(action research)的完整體現。 二、「分散式領導」與「授權賦能」是跨領域合作的有效教學策略:藝術教師與科學教師彼此尊重專業、共同分享領導,教師團隊展現出「分散式領導」(distributive leadership)與「授權賦能」(empowerment)等教師領導學理特徵,並從角色、技巧、作為、效果四方面進行教師領導的實踐。藝術教師在團隊之間達成的領導效果,主要呈現在「班級經營」和「教學方法」兩方面,此外藝術教師在課程設計、教學合作、行銷推廣上也發揮不少主導性。 三、藝術教師跨領域領導與協同教學呈現課程活化、學習創新及教師改變之具體效能與影響:主要呈現在「課程」、「學生」和「教師」三方面,課程方面具有「多元教法與多元評量」、「小組合作學習」、「適性化教學」三種課程活化效能;學生方面達到「增進女學生科學實作等領域的興趣」、「創新設計與覺察能力的進步」、「創意思考能力與態度的提升」、「擴展團隊合作與多元思考能力」四個學習創新效能;教師方面呈現「強化藝術教師的角色定位與領導價值」、「教學專業與團隊合作能力的成長」、「共享與付出的意識和行動」、「為學校教師專業社群文化帶來正面影響」等教師改變效能。 最後根據研究發現,研究者對未來藝術教師跨領域教學之實務與相關研究提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the high-scope project teacher group in Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High school as an example, this present study investigates the progress of art and science teachers’ inter-disciplinary team teaching in high schools and their practice of teacher leadership in class. It conducts a series of in-depth interviews, file tracking, and document analysis, with the hope of understanding the patterns, strategies and effects of art teachers’ teamwork with teachers from other subjects and of their integrated curriculum design and operation. The research results, which serve as consultation for further studies on curriculum and pedagogy innovation, are as follows: 1.Thematic and circulating inter-disciplinary team teaching is an effective mode to achieve policy-oriented action research: The goal of the high-scope project of Taipei Municipal Zhongshan Girls High School is developed from the objective of the school-based curriculum. To achieve the goal of this project, art teachers and science teachers form a teacher group to design the integrated curriculum. The multi-subject team teaching by this teacher group is thematic and circulating. Their teaching process is featured by concentrated discussion and distributive teaching. In totality, the patterns and progresses of their team teaching during three years represent a complete action research. 2.Distributive leadership” and “empowerment” are effective teaching strategies for inter-disciplinary cooperation: Art teachers and science teachers show respect to each other’s professions and share their teacher leadership. The teacher group demonstrates the theoretical characteristics of teacher leadership such as “distributive leadership” and “empowerment”. They put teacher leadership into practice in four aspects: character, skill, performance and effect. The effect of leading achieved by art teachers in the group is manifested in class management and teaching methods. Moreover, art teachers often play the guiding role in curriculum design, teaching collaboration and publicizing. 3.Art teachers’ inter-disciplinary leading and team teaching manifest the effects and influences of course activation, learning innovation and teacher change: This is mainly observed in the three aspects of curriculum, students, and teachers. The effects on curriculum show themselves in three course-activating functions: “multiple pedagogies and alternative assessment,” “group cooperative learning” and “adaptive teaching”. For students, the effects contribute to learning innovation in four aspects: “increasing high school girls’ interests in science experiments,” “improving the potency of creative design and observing,” “enhancing the capacity and attitude of creative thinking” and “expanding the capacity of teamwork and diversified thinking”. The project also has influences on teacher change, which includes “accentuation of art teachers’ role definition and leading value,” “growth of professional teaching competence and teamwork capacity,” “awareness and action of sharing and devoting” and “positive impact on the culture of school teachers as a professional society”. Finally, the findings of the present study will be the base of further suggestions for the practices of and studies on art teachers’ inter-disciplinary teaching.en_US
dc.subjectart teacheren_US
dc.subjectteacher leadershipen_US
dc.subjectteam teachingen_US
dc.subjectintegrated curriculumen_US
dc.subjecthigh-scope projecten_US
dc.title高中藝術教師跨領域領導與協同教學之個案研究— 以中山女中高瞻計畫(2007~2010)為例zh_TW
dc.titleHigh School Art Teachers’ Interdisciplinary Leadership and Team Teaching—A Case Study of High Scope Project (2007~2010) in Zhongshan Girls High Schoolen_US


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