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【摘要】 數位藝術是二十世紀人類的一大發明,短短數十年的發展,深切影響了大眾的日常生活,且在美術與設計的領域上,有最為突出的成就,在於顛覆了美術史中千百年來的創作模式。 本研究,以幾何造形為創作基礎形式,運用平直線條,達到變化多端的堆集。幾何圖形雖然是在數理範疇下產生,但在美術與視覺傳達設計的領域中,它包含在抽象藝術的範圍之內。將富有華麗的中國風裝飾圖騰,結合表現手法,運用於插畫的質感表現或是3D建構動畫上,均具效果華麗、強烈醒目的優點。 本研究共分為五部份,玆簡述如下: 第一章 :說明研究之動機與方法、步驟並依研究的範圍限制擬定後續製作之流程。 第二章 :探討電腦繪畫的發展,並將傳統繪畫與電腦繪畫及本研究案中相關應用的技術,加以分析比較。 第三章 :尋求構成理論中的幾何圖形、線條與空間處理,藉以建構本創作研究之元素。探討內容為: 一、探討幾何圖形的源起及構成元素、類別,並探討歐美有關以幾何圖形為發展的畫派。 二、探討插畫的定義及中國大陸連環畫的發展史及創作的題材與形式。 第四章 :將研究創作的過程做具體的分析說明,創作理念化為實際的作品,運用現代數位化藝術如2D平面、3D建構等技術處理,輔以裝飾性圖騰,導入戲劇化的呈現。 第五章 :結論歸納為,針對繪畫形式運用現代數位化藝術呈現的創作心得。
【Summary】 One of the most important inventions in the 20th century is Digital Arts which had caused a gigantic influence in live structure of the mass population within the past 10 years. Its major achievement in terms of Arts and Design was that it changed the traditional way of working model used for thousand years. This work based on structure of geometric shapes is consisted of variations of straight lines. Although the geometric shape is the results of mathematic theory, in terms of Vision Arts, it is under the category of Abstract Arts. By joining the geometric images with the Chinese traditional style decorative totem, this work shows a spectacular way of presenting 3D animation and illustration. This research is consisted of the following 5 points. 1、A discussion of the motivation, the working-procedure, and the range of this research. 2、A study of the development of computerized graphics technique plus a comparison of the traditional painting, computer drafting, and the technique using in this research. 3、By doing the research of geometric shapes, lines, and space within the compositional theory comes up with the basic elements of this works. 1.A discussion of the invention, the elements, and the category of geometric shapes and the different styles of American and European geometric designs. 2.The definition of Illustration and the development, subjects, and styles of commix made in mainland China. 4、Presentation of personal research. Describe the process of this research and transform the concept to a real production. Within the modern Digital Arts, like 2D plan or 3D structure, and decorative totem make the presentation more dramatic and clearly. 5、The conclusion is the acquaintance of this production. Present with the modern Digital Arts in the painting from.



幾何圖形, 連環畫, 數位藝術, 電腦繪圖





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