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一、 研究對象於「高教育程度」、「高收入」、「已婚」與「與親屬同住」在健康促進生活型態表現較佳。幽門螺旋桿菌非感染者在健康控握、社會支持與健康行為自我效能較幽門螺旋桿菌感染者得分高。
二、 研究對象在「內控」與「自我實現」、「營養」、「人際支持」、「壓力處理」、「健康責任」、「運動」及「健康促進生活型態總量表」皆呈現顯著相關。
三、 研究對象在「年齡」、「教育程度」、「健康控握」、「社會支持」、「健康行為自我效能」可有效預測健康促進生活型態,也增加整體可解釋的總變異量為65.3%。
幽門螺旋桿菌感染者與非感染者在「年齡」、「教育程度」、 「健康控握」 、 「社會支持」 、 「健康行為自我效能」,其中尤以 「健康行為自我效能」解釋力得分最高(β=0.572,t=12.828,p<0.001)可為主要預測變項。
Objectives: This study investigated the current situation and correlation of sociodemographic variables, health control, social support, health behavior self-performance and health promotion lifestyle of indigenous people in Wulai District, Xinbei City, and the predictive power of each variable on health promotion lifestyle. Method: For the 2918 indigenous people in Wulai District, who are distributed in four tribes (Zhongzhi, Wulai, Xinxian and Fushan), the first phase of carbon 13 urea breathtest was carried out from August 7, 2019 to July 31, 2020, and a total of 340 cases were recorded. The cross-sectional survey method was adopted, and the data were collected door-to-door with a structured questionnaire. 93.54% of the effective questionnaires were recovered.Results: I .The subjects performed better in health promoting lifestyle in "high education", "high income", "married" and "living with relatives". Non Helicobacter pylori infected people scored higher in health control, social support and health behavior self-performance than Helicobacter pylori infected people. II .There were significant correlations between "internal control" and "self realization", "nutrition", "interpersonal support", "stress management", "health responsibility", "exercise"and "Health Promotion Lifestyle Scale". III .The subjects' age, education level, health control, social support and health behavior self-performance can effectively predict the health promoting lifestyle, and also increase the overall interpretable total variation, which is 65.3%. Conclusion: Helicobacter pylori infected and non infected people scored the highest in "age", "education level", "health control", "social support" and "health behavior self-performance", especially "health behavior self-performance"( β= 0.572, t = 12.828, P < 0.001) can be the main predictive variable. Keywords:Indigenous peoples, Helicobacter pylori, Health control, social support, health behavior self-performance, health promotion lifestyle
Objectives: This study investigated the current situation and correlation of sociodemographic variables, health control, social support, health behavior self-performance and health promotion lifestyle of indigenous people in Wulai District, Xinbei City, and the predictive power of each variable on health promotion lifestyle. Method: For the 2918 indigenous people in Wulai District, who are distributed in four tribes (Zhongzhi, Wulai, Xinxian and Fushan), the first phase of carbon 13 urea breathtest was carried out from August 7, 2019 to July 31, 2020, and a total of 340 cases were recorded. The cross-sectional survey method was adopted, and the data were collected door-to-door with a structured questionnaire. 93.54% of the effective questionnaires were recovered.Results: I .The subjects performed better in health promoting lifestyle in "high education", "high income", "married" and "living with relatives". Non Helicobacter pylori infected people scored higher in health control, social support and health behavior self-performance than Helicobacter pylori infected people. II .There were significant correlations between "internal control" and "self realization", "nutrition", "interpersonal support", "stress management", "health responsibility", "exercise"and "Health Promotion Lifestyle Scale". III .The subjects' age, education level, health control, social support and health behavior self-performance can effectively predict the health promoting lifestyle, and also increase the overall interpretable total variation, which is 65.3%. Conclusion: Helicobacter pylori infected and non infected people scored the highest in "age", "education level", "health control", "social support" and "health behavior self-performance", especially "health behavior self-performance"( β= 0.572, t = 12.828, P < 0.001) can be the main predictive variable. Keywords:Indigenous peoples, Helicobacter pylori, Health control, social support, health behavior self-performance, health promotion lifestyle
原住民族, 幽門螺旋桿菌, 健康控握, 社會支持, 健康行為自我效能, 健康促進生活型態, Indigenous peoples, Helicobacter pylori, Health control, social support, health behavior self-performance, health promotion lifestyle