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本研究旨在探討虛擬實境對於改善英語口說焦慮與英語口說技能之成效。研究對象為一班以英語為外國語學習者的台灣桃園市國小六年級學童,共四十九名學生。一個六年級的完整班級被選為實驗組,人數為二十五人。該組在部分英語課程中以虛擬學習環境接受英語教學。為了比較結果,另一個完整的六年級班級被選為對照組,人數為二十四人;對照組則是接受無虛擬實境介入的英語教學,教學媒介為學習單、英語習作以及英語課本。實驗方法與流程如下:兩組皆先參與前測,內容為英語口說測驗與英語焦慮量表。英語口說測驗意在量測學生的口說技能;而英語口說量表目的在於量化學生的口說焦慮度。學生完成前測之後,為期八週的實驗正式開始。研究者從康軒版第八冊英語課本內容中挑選出兩個單元(單元三與四)搭配虛擬實境進行教學,每一單元的教學為期四週。教學流程為單字教學、句型教學、情境演練與最後的小組發表。在八週的實驗期間,研究者使用一個名為CoSpaces Edu的VR軟體來設計課程。首先,學生針對目標單字與句型設計各自的虛擬情境。接著,他們與同儕在虛擬學習環境的課堂中練習英語口說。最後,他們在台上進行發表自己的創作。對照組則是接受無VR軟體的教學進行英語口說的練習,例如:學習單與習作。實驗結束後,兩組再參與相同測驗內容的口說後測,以確認英語口說表現是否有進步,以及英語口說焦慮度是否降低。英語口說測驗評分者為兩位校內的英語老師,他們評分時使用同一套評分標準以示公平。除此之外,實驗組中有七位受試者參與了一場線上的半結構訪談,分享他們這八週以來在英語課堂中使用虛擬實境的經驗與看法。在一連串的資料分析後,結果顯示如下:實驗組的學生顯著地降低英語口說焦慮,以及顯著地增進英語口說技能。有趣的是,對照組的學生也同樣顯著地增進了英語口說技能。根據實驗組受試者的看法,他們偏好更頻繁地在英語課中使用虛擬實境學習,學生們很享受使用虛擬實境的過程。因此,本研究推薦其他語言教育工作者使用虛擬學習環境進行教學。然而,假如CoSpaces Edu的軟體開發端能夠推出更多免費的功能讓更多全球的一般用戶都能使用的話,對於其使用者會更有助益。除了虛擬科技的優點之外,未來其他研究者在實施虛擬學習環境相關研究時,應該將一些實際上的困難列入考慮,例如:研究對象的樣本數限制、技術相關問題以及學生的身體狀況等等。總結來說,本研究期望啟發未來更多沉境式學習的相關研究,供更多研究者、教育工作者以及虛擬實境軟體開發者更多的理論或概念參考。
The current study explores the effects of Virtual Reality on the English-speaking anxiety and English-speaking skills of a group of EFL sixth-graders in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The number of participants was forty-nine. One intact sixth-grade class (N = 25) was selected to be the experimental group. The experimental group received English language teaching with the intervention of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). To compare the results, another intact sixth-grade class was recruited as the control group (N = 24). The control group received non-VR intervention, which included worksheets, workbooks, and textbooks.The methodology procedures were depicted as follows. Before the experiment, both groups took a pretest which included an English-speaking test and an English-speaking anxiety scale. The English-speaking test was to measure students’ English-speaking skills; the English-speaking anxiety scale was to quantify students’ English-speaking anxiety levels. After the pretest, an eight-week treatment was conducted. The learning content was from the textbook, Follow Me 8, published by Kang Hsuan. Two units of the English lessons were integrated with VR, and each unit lasted for four weeks. The teaching procedure was from vocabulary teaching, sentence pattern teaching, context rehearsal, to group presentations. During the eight-week intervention, a virtual learning software called CoSpaces Edu was utilized. The experimental group first designed their own virtual space with the target vocabulary and sentence patterns. Then, they practiced English speaking with peers through VLE. Last, they presented their virtual space in class. After the experiment, both groups took the posttest with the same items again. Then the researcher checked if there was any improvement in English-speaking skills and reduction of English-speaking anxiety. Two experienced English teachers served as the raters to grade the participants’ speaking skills based on the same rubrics. In addition, seven participants from the experimental group joined an online semi-structured interview to share their perceptions towards their VR experience during those eight weeks.After a series of data analysis, the results are shown below. First of all, the experimental group had significantly lower English-speaking anxiety. What’s more, the participants in experimental group significantly improved their English-speaking skills as well. Interestingly, the control group also improved its English-speaking skills. From the experimental group’s points of view, they preferred to use VR in their English class more often. Like taking an exciting journey, the participants in the experimental group had a wonderful time using VR. Therefore, VLE would be recommended for other language instructors. However, if the Virtual Reality software, CoSpaces Edu, could launch more features for general users, it would offer a more joyful virtual environment for all the English Language educators worldwide.Besides the benefits of virtual technology, some challenges should also be taken into consideration when other researchers implement future studies related to VLE. For example, limitations of sample size, technological problems, and students’ physical condition. In sum, the current study hopes to enlighten future studies related to theoretical concepts of immersive learning for researchers, educators, and VR software developers.
The current study explores the effects of Virtual Reality on the English-speaking anxiety and English-speaking skills of a group of EFL sixth-graders in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. The number of participants was forty-nine. One intact sixth-grade class (N = 25) was selected to be the experimental group. The experimental group received English language teaching with the intervention of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). To compare the results, another intact sixth-grade class was recruited as the control group (N = 24). The control group received non-VR intervention, which included worksheets, workbooks, and textbooks.The methodology procedures were depicted as follows. Before the experiment, both groups took a pretest which included an English-speaking test and an English-speaking anxiety scale. The English-speaking test was to measure students’ English-speaking skills; the English-speaking anxiety scale was to quantify students’ English-speaking anxiety levels. After the pretest, an eight-week treatment was conducted. The learning content was from the textbook, Follow Me 8, published by Kang Hsuan. Two units of the English lessons were integrated with VR, and each unit lasted for four weeks. The teaching procedure was from vocabulary teaching, sentence pattern teaching, context rehearsal, to group presentations. During the eight-week intervention, a virtual learning software called CoSpaces Edu was utilized. The experimental group first designed their own virtual space with the target vocabulary and sentence patterns. Then, they practiced English speaking with peers through VLE. Last, they presented their virtual space in class. After the experiment, both groups took the posttest with the same items again. Then the researcher checked if there was any improvement in English-speaking skills and reduction of English-speaking anxiety. Two experienced English teachers served as the raters to grade the participants’ speaking skills based on the same rubrics. In addition, seven participants from the experimental group joined an online semi-structured interview to share their perceptions towards their VR experience during those eight weeks.After a series of data analysis, the results are shown below. First of all, the experimental group had significantly lower English-speaking anxiety. What’s more, the participants in experimental group significantly improved their English-speaking skills as well. Interestingly, the control group also improved its English-speaking skills. From the experimental group’s points of view, they preferred to use VR in their English class more often. Like taking an exciting journey, the participants in the experimental group had a wonderful time using VR. Therefore, VLE would be recommended for other language instructors. However, if the Virtual Reality software, CoSpaces Edu, could launch more features for general users, it would offer a more joyful virtual environment for all the English Language educators worldwide.Besides the benefits of virtual technology, some challenges should also be taken into consideration when other researchers implement future studies related to VLE. For example, limitations of sample size, technological problems, and students’ physical condition. In sum, the current study hopes to enlighten future studies related to theoretical concepts of immersive learning for researchers, educators, and VR software developers.
科技強化語言學習, 英語口說技能, 英語口說焦慮, 虛擬實境, 臺灣國小六年級以英語為外國語之學習者, English-speaking anxiety, English-speaking skills, Taiwanese EFL sixth-graders, Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Virtual Reality