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隨著數位化生活時代的來臨,數位式相機挾帶著簡易上手、高畫質以及免去底片成本等優勢,成為影像取得的最大來源。許多從事設計工作者也無不將數位攝影影像大量應用在視覺藝術的創作上,使得數位攝影影像與視覺藝術或是部分觀念性藝術創作愈加緊密結合,儼然成為一種潮流與趨勢。毫無疑問的,圖像正以一種如大風暴般的威力席捲影響著我們的媒體、城市以及文化(W.J.T. Mitchell,2005),透過圖像語言讓人們比以往任何時候都還更加瞭解現今世界,也使得世界化與全球化的過程,加速在我們的時代中劇烈地發生。在數位影像的時代,我們正處於一種「可視的意識形態」之當代思想狀態中,無形中加速影像語言成為人際間溝通與交流的重要媒介。
When the digital life is coming, the digital cameras become the main source for people to obtain images. Because of their advantages such as easy to operate, high quality, even no need of films. Now in time, many visual arts designers use a lot of digital photographs in their creations. The current trend tends to combine digital photographic images with visual arts creation or conceptual arts creation. There is no doubt that, in our time, an intensified, accelerated process of worlding and globalization has taken place, The forces of media, capital, and culture swirl about us like massive storms of images (W. J. T. Mitchell, 2005), let we know more about the world now than ever before. In the era of digital images, we are living in a contemporary thought state of "Visual Ideologies", the digital tools speed up the visual image language to become an important media of the interpersonal communication. Therefore, this study focused on the manifestations and applications of the digital photographic images after the visual design. The author takes the digital photograph images as a medium for creation, after going through a visual design process, the images are applied to the visual arts creation. The study conclusions are as follows:Changes in Creative Ways、Digitalization of The Manifestations、Technological Art Opens New Horizons on The Digital Photographic Images in The Creation.
When the digital life is coming, the digital cameras become the main source for people to obtain images. Because of their advantages such as easy to operate, high quality, even no need of films. Now in time, many visual arts designers use a lot of digital photographs in their creations. The current trend tends to combine digital photographic images with visual arts creation or conceptual arts creation. There is no doubt that, in our time, an intensified, accelerated process of worlding and globalization has taken place, The forces of media, capital, and culture swirl about us like massive storms of images (W. J. T. Mitchell, 2005), let we know more about the world now than ever before. In the era of digital images, we are living in a contemporary thought state of "Visual Ideologies", the digital tools speed up the visual image language to become an important media of the interpersonal communication. Therefore, this study focused on the manifestations and applications of the digital photographic images after the visual design. The author takes the digital photograph images as a medium for creation, after going through a visual design process, the images are applied to the visual arts creation. The study conclusions are as follows:Changes in Creative Ways、Digitalization of The Manifestations、Technological Art Opens New Horizons on The Digital Photographic Images in The Creation.
數位攝影, 圖像視覺化, 海報設計, 數位藝術, Digital Photography, Image Visualization, Poster Design, Digital Arts