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本研究旨在探討應用翻轉教室於技能學習時,學生的學習動機傾向及對學習成效的影響,還有學生的學習滿意度,更進一步探討在翻轉教室的教學模式下,學生的學習動機、學習成效是否會因性別不同而有所差異。本研究採單組後測實驗設計,研究對象為修習台北市某國立大學104 學年度第二學期「木器設計與製造」課程的 36 位學生,進行為期5週的翻轉教室教學實驗。研究過程利用「學習動機問卷」來了解學生的學習動機;透過「木工學科測驗」與「木工術科作品」來評量學生的學習成效;藉由「學習滿意度調查問卷」來評估學生對應用翻轉教室於技能學習的感受。量化資料利用描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定進行分析;質性資料編碼後作為數據結果的輔助討論。並根據研究結果與討論,提出本研究的技能學習翻轉教室教學模式和以下結論:(1)本研究中學生在技能學習翻轉教室教學模式中有正向的學習動機;(2)本研究中男女生在技能學習翻轉教室教學模式中的學習動機沒有差異;(3)本研究的技能學習翻轉教室教學模式能提升學生的學習成效;(4)本研究中男女生在翻轉教室的學習成效沒有差異;(5)本研究中學生很滿意技能學習的翻轉教室教學模式。本研究對應用翻轉教室於技能學習以及後續研究提出建議,供有興趣應用翻轉教室於技能教學的教師參考。
The propose of this study was to investigate students’ motivation to learn and the impact on students’ learning outcomes after integrating flipped classroom into skill learning. In addition, students’ learning satisfaction of flipped classroom were investigated. Furthermore, the study also contrasts the difference of motivation to learn, learning outcomes between different genders. This study was elaborated on the one-shot case study designed. 36 students who studied in woodworking technology in the second semester of the 2015 academic year were took as sample in this study for five weeks. Students’ motivation to learn was measured by “Learning Motivation Questionnaire”. The learning outcomes of students were collected through “Woodworking concept test” and “Woodworking Works”. Students’ satisfaction and thoughts about “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” were understood through “Learning Satisfaction Questionnaire”. The quantitative data adopted descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test and Independent- samples t-test, and the qualitative data was analyzed accordingly. Based on the results of the experiment, this study raised a teaching model combining skill learning and flipped classroom. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) In this study, the students’ motivation to learn was positive after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (2) In this study, the students of different genders showed no difference in motivation to learn after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (3) In this study, “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” promoted the learning outcomes of students significantly. (4) In this study, the students of different genders showed no difference in learning outcomes after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (5) In this study, students were satisfied with the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. Based on the results, several suggestions of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” were provided for the teacher who interested to integrating flipped classroom into skill learning.
The propose of this study was to investigate students’ motivation to learn and the impact on students’ learning outcomes after integrating flipped classroom into skill learning. In addition, students’ learning satisfaction of flipped classroom were investigated. Furthermore, the study also contrasts the difference of motivation to learn, learning outcomes between different genders. This study was elaborated on the one-shot case study designed. 36 students who studied in woodworking technology in the second semester of the 2015 academic year were took as sample in this study for five weeks. Students’ motivation to learn was measured by “Learning Motivation Questionnaire”. The learning outcomes of students were collected through “Woodworking concept test” and “Woodworking Works”. Students’ satisfaction and thoughts about “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” were understood through “Learning Satisfaction Questionnaire”. The quantitative data adopted descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test and Independent- samples t-test, and the qualitative data was analyzed accordingly. Based on the results of the experiment, this study raised a teaching model combining skill learning and flipped classroom. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) In this study, the students’ motivation to learn was positive after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (2) In this study, the students of different genders showed no difference in motivation to learn after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (3) In this study, “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” promoted the learning outcomes of students significantly. (4) In this study, the students of different genders showed no difference in learning outcomes after taking the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. (5) In this study, students were satisfied with the courses of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning”. Based on the results, several suggestions of “integrating flipped classroom into skill learning” were provided for the teacher who interested to integrating flipped classroom into skill learning.
翻轉教室, 技能學習, 學習動機, 學習成效, 學習滿意度, Flipped classroom, Skill learning, Motivation to learn, Learning outcomes, Learning satisfaction