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本研究的目的在編製一份適用於國小中高年級學生的推論能力測驗,並分析其試題品質、信度及建構效度。其次探討不同背景變項的學生在該推論能力測驗得分的差異情形。   本研究首先由文獻當中整理出五項推論理解的核心成分,作為編製測驗題目的依據。預試題本共計53題,以台北縣市四、五年級學生共302人進行預試,經項目分析後依鑑別度及難度挑選25題編為正式題本。信效度研究以台北縣市四~六年級學童484人進行間隔一週的重測信度考驗(r = .89~.93,p<.01)及內容一致性信度(r = .81~.85)。建構效度證據則收集了專家檢測的內容上的證據、與效標「閱讀理解困難篩選測驗」達顯著相關(r = .73~.74,p<.01)的本質上的證據,但在結構上的證據方面,則須修改原先的假設模式,才能提升實際資料與假設模式之間的適配度。常模樣本為臺灣地區北、中、南、東部四~六年級學生共1,104人,除了以常模樣本的資料對試題分析及信度進行複核、建立各年級常模之外,也針對不同背景變項學生在推論能力測驗得分的差異進行分析。   結果顯示本研究自編之推論能力測驗具有良好的信度及建構效度,且不同年級與不同閱讀理解能力的學生在推論能力測驗上的得分,分別有顯著的差異。
The purpose of this study were to construct Inferential Ability Test (IAT) for middle and high grade of elementary students, analyze the reliability and validity of IAT, and explore the difference on IAT scores among grade, gender, and reading comprehension ability. IAT was constructed by the five inferential abilities retrieved from reference. The pre-test consisted of 53 items, and 302 elementary students were chosen as the pre-test samples. There are twenty-five items with proper item difficulty index and item discrimination index in IAT. 484 elementary students were selected as the subjects of this study. The reliability of IAT was evaluated by test-retest ( r = .89~.93,p<.01) and internal-consistency method ( r = .81~.85). The construct validity of IAT was proved by experts, criterion-related validity ( r = .73~.74, p<.01), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). However, the result of CFA suggested the model be modified. A norm sample of 1,104 elementary students in Taiwan were collected to develop the norm and were examined the difference on IAT scores among grade, gender, and reading comprehension ability. The results were as the following:1. The IAT is a stable and reliable test. 2. There are statistically significant differences on IAT scores in grade and reading comprehension ability.



推論理解能力, 測驗編製, inferential ability, test construction





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