

本研究探討育幼機構與一般家庭學童數學學習成就的現況,及預測其數學學習成就的變因。研究樣本採立意取樣,選取臺北市、臺北縣、桃園縣、新竹市與新竹縣共10所育幼機構八年級學童39人,及同地區10所國中的八年級學童323人。研究工具為TIMSS 2003已公開的數學試題與學生問卷,其中數學學習成就測驗的信度K-R20為 .92,具內容效度與專家效度;數學學習成就相關因素問卷的信度Cronbach,s α為 .75,具建構效度與專家效度。數據以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關、獨立樣本T檢定與逐步多元迴歸分析之。研究結果如下:(一)育幼機構學童在數學學習成就上顯著低於一般家庭學童(P< .05),但當資源與支援足夠時,育幼機構學童的數學學習成就不比同地區的一般家庭學童差,如臺北市與新竹縣;(二)臺北市育幼機構因為安置年齡最早,且安置時間最長,加上育幼機構的家中同住人數接近一般家庭,為家庭式機構教養的模式,其數學學習成就最高,並與臺北市一般家庭學童的數學成就無顯著差異;(三)新竹縣育幼機構因為知名度高,課輔志工人數與社會資源豐富,數學學習成就顯著高於新竹縣一般家庭學童(P< .05),研究結果顯示若能及早安置與補救,育幼機構學童也能和一般家庭學童有相同的表現,甚至更好;(四)育幼機構學童存在下列的現象:對數學的態度呈現低自信與低評價;在上課時進行與數學有關的學習活動頻率較低;缺乏學習數學的參考書與課外補習機會;志工課輔人數不足;期望最高教育程度以完成中等教育階段居多(46%);期望自習時間較育幼機構規定的還短(1小時);(五)預測育幼機構學童數學表現最強的變因為「志工或課輔老師輔導數學的人數」,可以解釋數學學習成就30%的變異量,所有變因總共可以解釋數學學習成就43%的變異量;預測一般家庭學童數學表現最強的變因為「家中藏書量」,可以解釋數學學習成就22%的變異量,所有變因總共可以解釋數學學習成就55%的變異量。研究建議如下:(一)建議各級政府針對資源較落後的地區予以更多的經費補助與資源;(二)希望大專院校學生或社會人士能投入更多的志工與課輔工作,協助提升育幼機構學童的學習成就與自信;(三)深入研究育幼機構學童的數學學習 困難。
Investigated were the mathematics achievement(MA) of the eighth graders both from regular family and Children’s Home(CH), and factors which might relate to the MA differences between two groups. Thirty-nine children from CH and 323 students from ten junior high school were purposively sampled from Taipei City, Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu City and Hsinchu County. Mathematics achievement test was constructed from the released TIMSS 2003 test items. The test had been evaluated by the content experts. Its reliability (K-R20) was .92. Variables which related to MA were selected from TIMSS 2003 students’ questionnaire, and had been evaluated by the experts. The reliability (Cronbach’s α) was .75. Data were analyzed through frequencies, Pearson correlations, two sample independent t-test and stepwise multiple regression. Results indicated that 1)the MA of the students from CH did significantly inferior to those from regular family; 2)students from the CH in Taipei were adapted to the institutions earlier and the duration staying in institutions were longer than other districts. The number of members in a family unit in institutions of Taipei was closed to the regular family, children in Taipei got better care; 3)the CH in Hsinchu County had good reputation, and there were plenty of volunteers and social resources to help students. Data indicated that their children’s MA were significantly higher than the students in the regular family(P<.05). Result showed that when children in CH received good care, they could achieved as well as the regular children; 4)students in CH had some characteristics as follows: low self-confidence and low valuing in learning mathematics; less attention to learning activities in mathematics classes; the highest expectation for education of most children was to finish secondary schools; expectation for studying time at night less than two hours; 5)the strongest predictor of MA of CH students was “the number of volunteers to help them learn mathematics”, and it explained 30% of MA variances, totally 43% MA variances was explained by all predictors; The strongest predictor of regular family children was “the number of books at home”, and it explained 22% MA variances, 55% MA variances was explained totally by all predictors. Recommendations were as following: 1)more funds and resources should be offered to inferior areas’ institutions; 2)more volunteers to help students from CH improve their MA and self-confidence; 3)further studies to understand the difficulties in learning mathematics of students from CH.



育幼機構, 數學學習成就, 國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查, 八年級學童, Children's Home, Mathematics Achievement, TIMSS 2003, Eighth Grenders





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