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Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages, and Literature, NTNU
Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages, and Literature, NTNU
80 年代胡榮華出發上路,完成單車環球壯舉,揭開台灣單車遊記序幕,90 年代的林姬瑩、江秋萍更突破性別限制,順利完成女性單車環球之旅。2007年以來台灣興起的單車熱潮,帶起了另一股單車旅行風氣,騎士們紛紛投入創作,為當今旅行書寫帶來不同風貌。在作品中,騎士們將單車之旅轉化為生命的通過儀式,藉由實際踩踏,歷經隔離、過渡∕轉換、回歸的過程,告別過去,邁入下一個具有不同意義的人生階段。同樣以「認識世界、了解自我」為目標,不同年代的單車騎士們開始由外在的家國責任轉向內在的自我探尋;面對危險與意外,具備尤利西斯動因的單車旅人,從驚險關頭中,獲得深層人生體悟;回歸書寫本質,遊記內容是否足以反映單車壯遊之奇特與旅行深度,則是另一個值得思索的問題。
In 1980s, Taiwanese traveler, Hu Rong-hwa, traveled around the world by cycling and wrote a series of cycling travel writings. In 1990s, breaking sexual barriers, Lin Ji-ying and Jiang Qiu-ping successfully completed a cycling journey around the globe. With the rise of the cycling fever in Taiwan, cycling travel becomes popular. These riders are devoted to recording their journey in words. They also bring different styles to prose. In these writings, it can be found that the riders take cycling travel as the rite of passage of their lives by riding on their own. After these riders experienced the processes of separation, margin-transition, and aggregation, they bid farewell to the past and then move onto the next stages of lives with different meanings. These riders live in different times but they all take recognizing the world and self-searching as their missions. However, the later generations of riders shift slightly from taking responsibility of their country and homes to soul-searching. When these riders with Ulysses factor face unknown danger and accidents, they do not suspend the adventure and then they acquire different philosophy of lives from the life-threatening moments. However, considering the essence of writing, these writings should not only be the records of superficial feelings or trifling affairs but also be sufficient to reflect the meanings of travel and the viewpoints of the writers.
In 1980s, Taiwanese traveler, Hu Rong-hwa, traveled around the world by cycling and wrote a series of cycling travel writings. In 1990s, breaking sexual barriers, Lin Ji-ying and Jiang Qiu-ping successfully completed a cycling journey around the globe. With the rise of the cycling fever in Taiwan, cycling travel becomes popular. These riders are devoted to recording their journey in words. They also bring different styles to prose. In these writings, it can be found that the riders take cycling travel as the rite of passage of their lives by riding on their own. After these riders experienced the processes of separation, margin-transition, and aggregation, they bid farewell to the past and then move onto the next stages of lives with different meanings. These riders live in different times but they all take recognizing the world and self-searching as their missions. However, the later generations of riders shift slightly from taking responsibility of their country and homes to soul-searching. When these riders with Ulysses factor face unknown danger and accidents, they do not suspend the adventure and then they acquire different philosophy of lives from the life-threatening moments. However, considering the essence of writing, these writings should not only be the records of superficial feelings or trifling affairs but also be sufficient to reflect the meanings of travel and the viewpoints of the writers.