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本研究旨在分析六對夫妻參與「夫妻關係協調工作坊」的助益。工作坊由本土婚姻諮商師設計與帶領,融合本土與西方婚姻諮商概念。研究參與夫妻年齡介於27 至42歲,婚齡0.5至3.5年,學歷學士碩士各半。本研究透過訪談法,以及紮根理論資料分析中的開放與類別編碼程序,進行質性分析。研究結果將夫妻在「工作坊剛結束」與「六週後」兩個時間點回饋對夫妻關係協調的助益,統整歸納為五大主要助益類別,以及十八項次要助益與其中面向。五大主要助益類別如下:(一)覺察了解與接納個人自我;(二)覺察與表達情感性關係自我;(三)了解接納與回應配偶的個人自我;(四)覺察與了解關係互動與衝突因應模式;(五)面對問題進行自我協調或與配偶溝通協調。以及統整出大團體歷程的四大主要助益類別及十二項次要助益,四大主要助益類別如下:(一)自我坦露與團體成員間經驗分享;(二)團體開放分享氣氛與團體領導者態度;(三)成員間人際學習與回饋;(四)團體參照與社會比較效用。在研究結果討論中,研究者比對原先工作坊預設目標,說明各活動及整體工作坊是否有當下、延宕或持續效果。在結論與限制中,研究者依據研究發現的助益,對原來工作坊設計理念「伴侶/夫妻關係協調諮商模式」中的諮商任務,做出回饋、修正以及具體建議,也針對本研究的限制提出說明及對未來研究建議。
The Aims of the study were to find out benefits from the couple workshop. The leaders used self-relation coordination counseling model to help six Chinese couples coordinate with their spouses. They were married for 0.5-3.5 year, aged 27-42, 50% got bachelor degree and 50% got master degree. They were interviewed right after the end of the workshop and 6 weeks after the workshop again. The Grounded Theory was adopted to open-code and conceptualize the qualitative data. benefits were induced and categorized into 5 major benefits and 18 subordinate benefits. 5 major benefits were as follows: (1) Being aware and accepting individual self, (2) Being aware and expressing affectionate relational self, (3) Understanding, accepting, and responding to spouses’ individual self, (4) Being aware and understanding their interaction, communication, and conflict coping behavior, (5) Acknowledging problems and then self-accommodating or coordinating with their spouses. The help from the group dynamic process were also induced and categorized into 4 major benefits and 12 subordinate benefits. 4 major benefits were as follows: (1) Self disclosure and experience sharing, (2) Open group atmosphere and the leader’s attitude, (3) Interpersonal learning and feedback, (4) Social reference and contrast. In discussion, the researcher compared benefits with the goals of each individual programs and the whole workshop, to show the immediate, postponed, or put-off effects of the workshop. Finally, the researcher revised the self-relation coordination counseling model used in Chinese couples, and made some suggestions with regard to the counseling practice and further studies.



婚姻諮商, 紮根理論資料分析法, 夫妻關係協調, Marriage Counseling, Grounded Theory Data Analysis, Couple Coordination





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