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本研究旨在探討私立學校教師之地位、權利義務及教師聘約之相關問題。 本研究以文獻分析法為主要方法,從現行法令、學者論著及中央教師申訴評議委員會評議案例,探討教師聘約相關問題,藉以瞭解教師聘約相關強制及禁止規定及得依契約自由原則自由訂定之範圍。 依上述程序,獲得較客觀與綜合性之意見,進而研擬出台灣省私立高級中等學校教師聘約宜涵蓋之範圍與較可行之參考條文,藉供各校參考。 根據研究結果,台灣省私立高級中等學校教師聘約內涵宜包括下列事項: 壹、基本登載事項: 學校全銜、發聘日期文號、教師姓名、任教類科別、聘任期間、兼任職務、校長簽名章並加蓋學校印信、教師應聘欄。 貳、約定要項: 總則、聘任程序、教師之權利、教師之義務、教師之待遇福利、教師之服務、教師之解聘、停聘或不續聘、教師離職之處理。 參、聘約效期內,相關法令或學校章則變更時之處理原則。 肆、聘約訂定及修訂程序。 伍、對聘約內容發生爭議之處理原則。 陸、因聘約而涉及訴訟之處理原則。 柒、聘約未盡事宜之處理原則。 捌、附件(學校相關章則)。
The purpose of this study was to explore the related problems about teachers’ employment, rights and obligations on the teachers’ employment contract provided by private high schools. A documentary analysis was adopted to this study. The related literature including regulations and rules for teachers’ obligations and rights, teachers’ contracts, the contract-freedom principles and some cases presented by the Teacher Grievances Committee was reviewed. By means of interviews of school administrators and a seminar, hosted by researcher. A broad consensus of opinion about teachers employment contract was pursued. According to the findings of this study, a typical employment contract of the private high school teachers consists of the following items: 1. Basic information are: The name of the school , number of the certificate issuing date, teacher’s name, subject of teaching, term of employment, administrative position, signature of the school principle and official seal of the school, employment column of the teacher (including teacher’s signature, ID card number, address, contact phone numbers, and effective date of employment contract etc.) 2. Terms and conditions of the contract include general articles, employing procedures, teachers right and obligations, payment and benefits, teaching tasks and service and so on. 3. The basic principles are provided for handling any change concerning related law or school regulations during the term of teachers’ employment contract. 4. In addition, the teachers’ employment contract is composed of the procedures in making contract, the way of handling disputation of content and related school regulations.



私立學校, 私立高中職, 教師聘約, 契約, Private school, Private high school, Teachers’ employment contract, Contract





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