

摘要 運動除了可以大量消耗能量,藉以達到控制體重的目的之外,最近的研究顯示其亦可能影響食慾的調控荷爾蒙-瘦體素;另外,耳穴貼壓被認為可以藉由抑制食慾,進而降低體重,然而其機制是否與瘦體素有關,目前仍不清楚,此外耳穴貼壓配合運動能否有加成的效果,亦有待釐清。目的:探討耳穴貼壓及中等強度運動對肥胖者血漿瘦體素濃度的影響。方法:受試者為9名無規律運動習慣且自願參與之輕、中度單純肥胖的男生 (BMI: 29.26 ± 1.94 kg/m2)。所有受試者依平衡次序之方式,分別接受運動、耳穴貼壓、耳穴貼壓+運動及控制試驗,耳穴貼壓係以”王不留行籽”貼於雙耳之胃點和飢點後,於進食前貼壓10分鐘,運動方式則為45分鐘之60% 最大保留心跳率 (HRR) 的原地腳踏車運動。安靜空腹 (07:15)、貼壓耳穴後立即 (07:35)、運動前 (08:15)、運動後立即 (09:00) 及運動後45分鐘 (09:45),以留置針採血檢測瘦體素。實驗所得之資料分別以重複量數 t-test 及重複量數二因子變異數分析進行統計考驗。結果:貼壓耳穴10分鐘後之安靜空腹血漿瘦體素下降濃度 (-1.5 ± 2.07 ng/ml) 顯著低於無耳穴貼壓 (-0.08 ± 1.28 ng/ml, p<.05)。另外,運動、耳穴貼壓、耳穴貼壓+運動及控制試驗在運動前 (08:15)、運動後立即 (09:00) 及運動後45分鐘 (09:45) 之血漿瘦體素濃度皆無顯著差異存在。結論:耳穴貼壓胃點與飢點並按壓10分鐘後,會造成安靜空腹瘦體素濃度下降,顯示瘦體素可能具有短期調控的作用;此外,45分鐘的中等強度運動並不會改變血漿瘦體素的濃度,即使耳穴貼壓加上運動也無加成的效果。
Abstract Purpose: This study was to determine the effects of Ear Points Pressing and moderate exercise on plasma leptin concentrations in obese men. Methods: Nine young male with overweight (body mass index: 29.26 ± 1.94 kg/m2) were recruited for present study. All subjects were required to perform Ear Points Pressing (EPP), exercise, EPP + exercise and control test. The positions of EPP were stomach and hungry points on both ears. And also both ears were pressed by "Emplanting seeds" for 10-minute after overnight fasting condition. Moreover, the exercise was 45-minute cycle ergometer test at 60% HRR. Venous blood samples were collected at resting (07:15), immediately after the EPP (07:35), pre-exercise (08:15), immediately after the exercise (09:00) and after the exercise for 45-minute (09:45). Data were analyzed by paired t-test and two-way repeated measure ANOVA. Results: The result showed that the plasma leptin concentration was significantly decreased after EPP for 10-minute (p<.05). However, exercise, EPP, EPP + exercise and control test were no significant differences on pre-exercise (08:15), immediately after the exercise (09:00) and after the exercise for 45-minute (09:45). Conclusions: Resting leptin concentration was significantly decreased after EPP on stomach and hungry points, this result indicated that leptin may have a role in short-term regulation. Furthermore, there were no significant changes in plasma leptin concentration after 45-minute of moderate exercise and EPP + exercise.



肥胖, 王不留行籽, 中等強度運動, obese, Emplanting seeds, moderate exercise





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