
dc.description.abstract本研究主要是因研究者在教學過程中,發現國中學生性別刻板印象普遍的存在;另外,在了解到媒體素養教育實施的重要性與刻不容緩,並且相信透過媒體素養教育的實施是能夠提升學生對性別意識認知的正確性,在這樣的引起動機下,研究者決定朝這方面的議題進行鑽研與教學活動單元設計。 本研究採取行動研究法,希望透過教學活動單元設計,發現媒體中所呈現的性別刻板印象,讓學生意識到生活週遭充斥著對性別角色的迷思並且設計適於國中階段實施的『發現媒體中的性別刻板印象』教學活動單元。為達上述目的,本研究以30名八年級學生作為教學活動單元實施對象,共進行12堂『發現媒體中的性別刻板印象』教學活動單元。其教學單元主要分為單元一:性別刻板印象;單元二:媒體的介紹;單元三:媒體中的性別刻板印象;單元四:我真的很特別等。希望透過這一連串的教學,除了讓學生知道性別刻板印象普遍存在於媒體;透過媒體的傳播,深深地影響著我們的價值觀之外,更能夠獨立思考判斷,找出媒體在何時傳遞性別刻板印象的訊息,進而能推廣性別平等的觀念。此外,透過行動研究的過程,也期待能夠讓研究者從中修正自己的教學方法,對專業能力有所精進。 本行動研究的工具以課堂觀察紀錄、教師教學省思日誌、與觀課教師課後討論、學生非正式訪談紀錄、活動課程學習單、學生回饋表等質性資料為主。這些資料的分析將對未來繼續實施該教學活動單元有相當大的助益。 在教學活動結束後,研究者除了設計一套可實際運用在課堂上的『發現媒體中的性別刻板印象』教學活動單元之外,並根據上述研究資料,進行分析,得到下列結論: 一、批判思考能力需長期訓練並配合生活實例舉證、營造適合學習的情境才能顯現成效。 二、以學生為教學主體,提高學生學習成效。 三、透過教學省思與研究團隊進行討論等行動研究循環歷程,有助於提昇教師之專業成長。 最後,針對行動研究過程中所遭遇之問題提出建議,期能提供日後從事相關研究者作為參考,並提供更多的想法與研究方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this study, I aim at exploring the issue of junior high school’s students’ concepts towards the gender stereotypes. Besides, aware of the importance of propoganda of mass media, I strongly believe that mass media has a great influence on these studendts because mass media has power to guide these studeunts into having correct concepts and attitudes towards gender study. With these background knowledge in mind, I would like to explore the issue on course design. In this study, I adopt an action research and try to unearth biases of gender stereotypes presented in mass media. After that, I would like to have students understand the misunderstanding of gender bias and start to design courses, “Biases of Gender Stereotypes in Mass Media,” for junior high school students. In order to complete this study, I would have 30 eight-grade students be my experimenters and design 12 courses for them. The contents of these courses includes: 1) bias of gender stereotypes, 2) an introduction to mass media, 3) bias of gender stereotypes in mass media, 4) the unique individual, and so on. In these courses, I want these participants to perceive the biases of gender stereotypes in mass media. In addition, these students are encouraged to have independent thoughts on judging the values of gender study delivered by mass media. After that, I expect them to have correct concepts towards the gender issue. In this study, I also expect to re-evaluate the way I teach these students and improve my way of teaching. In this research, I would like to employ classroom observation records, teaching reflective journals, discuss with teacher after class , informal interviews with student records, learning document, student feedback forms as my resourses to explore the related issues. In my belief, these resources are helpful for me to analyze my course design. After running the courses, I would like to conclude what I have found in this study, and my conclusion includes: 1. The critical thinking requires a long-term training and with real-life examples of proving, then we can create a situation for learning to show results. 2. The student-centered teaching can enhance students' learning. 3. Through teaching reflection and discussion with the research team process such as action research cycle can improve teachers' professional growth. Finally, I would like to propose what I have found in my study as well as suggestion to the future study.en_US
dc.subjectgender stereotypesen_US
dc.subjectmedia educationen_US
dc.titleBiases of Gender Stereotypes in Media--an Action Research of the Junior High Schoolen_US


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