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筆者甫完成《焦循手批十三經註疏研究》一書,又曾編撰《焦循年譜新編》,遂檢閱董理先生畢生學術進程,以其經學行實、撰述題記為主,期具體而微考察先生的家約淵源、師友傳授及心得獨造的學術生命。里堂一生撰述宏富,筆者於其傳世稿本、寫本、刊本諸作,大率均親覽鈔讀 故本篇所述皆以里堂及其哲嗣廷琥著作為本,益之以時儒及先輩學者的相關論著,取材務求詳實精覈,原本有據。本文布列先生學術進程,自三歲識字始,終於五十有八歲清寫《孟子正義》稿,以用思太猛而卒;其哲嗣繼志承業,於苫塊中謄校遺稿,急欲付梓,又以病歿止。綜觀里堂一生治學,服膺「證之以實,運之於虛」、「好學深思,心知其意」,而其夙慧天成,殫精竭慮;及終生不懈,以身殉道的精神風範,足垂典型,並資研究里堂學術的檢證參考。
After accomplishing the academic books: "Approach to Jiao Xun's Manuscript of the Thirteen Canons" and "New Edition of Jioa Xun's Chronicle", the author investigates the academic progress through Jiao Xun's life. Therefore, the article depends upon all the periodicals of Jiao Xum. The author expects to concretely recognize Jiao Xun's academic resources, relationships between his tutors and friends, and his uniquely creative life about the career in learning and scholarship. Jiao Xun has finished a lot of books. The author has ever read and copied almost his total manuscripts and editorials. So this article establishes upon Jiao Xum and his son's (Jiao ting-hu) periodicals. In addition to, the author also adopts the article of the contemporary and the latter scholars. According to these data, the article must be detailed, correct, and reliable. The readers can find the article regularily to display the academic activities throughout Jiao xun's life. The chronicle began from Jiao Xun in the three years old, in this age he just began to learn and recognize the characters, and lasted to write and edit the mansucript of "Mencius Commentaries" until his death in 58 years old. Meanwhile, his deligent son Jiao Tintg-hu continued his father's aspiration and urgently copied Jiao Xun's posthumous work. Ting-hu anxiously desired to print his father's manuscript during the mourning of funeral affairs. Unfortunately, he also died with illness. In conclusion to outlook, Jiao Xun subjugated to testify with reality and to make use of empty image. Besides, he also could be found of learning and thinking deeply, then he understood the meaning in his mind. To sum up, Jiao Xun was born with wisdom and devoted to the full thorough his life in the academic efforts. His spirit and strength of character not only giver us to take as a model, but also provide us a plenty of referent data to justify Jiao Xun's academic approach.







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