

本研究旨在探討直接策略教學對國中生的聽力表現及聽力策略使用之影響,同時也檢視國中生對於聽力策略教學課程的觀感。研究參與者為一百一十三位國二學生,被分為實驗組及控制組。在實驗之前,所有參與者皆須填寫一份背景問卷及動機強度問卷。之後,他們完成兩份前測,一份是聽力理解測驗,另一份是聽力策略使用問卷。在為時一個月的實驗期間,實驗組接受每週一次的課程,被教導如何使用六個聽力策略。此直接策略教學課程告知學生何時及為何一個特定的策略在某些情境中可能是有效的、告訴他們如何使用這個策略,並教導他們如何評估策略使用的成效。在每次上課結束之前,實驗組的參與者都必須填寫一份反思問卷。此課程結束後,兩組參與者與在前測時一樣,必須完成兩份後測。然後,幾位實驗組的參與者隨機被選中進行訪談。 共變數分析結果顯示出直接策略教學增進了實驗組的聽力表現,而相依樣本平均數檢定結果指出,實驗組的整體策略使用獲得改進,控制組則沒有進步。普遍來說,實驗組的參與者在反思問卷及訪談中反應他們對於這個策略教學課程抱持著正面的觀感,表示他們喜歡課程內容並且從中獲益良多。他們也陳述說自己對於學習英文的信心增加了,且對於課程的效果抱持肯定的態度。
The present study aims to investigate the effects of explicit strategy instruction on junior high students’ listening performance and listening strategy use. Attempts were also made to examine the learners’ perceptions toward the strategy instruction course. The participants were 113 second-year junior high students, divided into the experimental and control groups. Before the experiment, all participants completed a background questionnaire and a motivational intensity questionnaire. They also answered two pretests—a listening comprehension test and a listening strategies questionnaire. During the experimental period, which lasted for one month, experimental group was given weekly classes in which they were coached on how to use six listening strategies. The explicit strategy instruction course informed the learners of when and why a given strategy might be helpful in certain situations, told them how to use it, and taught them how to evaluate the success of its use. After the end of each class session, participants in the experimental group filled out a reflection questionnaire. When the explicit strategy instruction course ended, all participants took the posttests. Then, interviews were conducted with some learners randomly selected from the experimental group. The ANCOVA results showed that the explicit strategy training enhanced the experimental group’s listening performance. The paired samples t-test findings indicated that overall strategy use by the experimental group, as opposed to the control group, was improved. Generally, learners in the experimental group reported in the reflection questionnaires and interviews that they viewed the strategy instruction course favorably, suggesting that they enjoyed the course content and benefited much from it. They also stated that their confidence was boosted and were positive about the course’s effectiveness.



直接策略教學, 聽力表現, 策略使用, 聽力理解, 聽力策略, 動機, explicit strategy instruction, listening performance, strategy use, listening comprehension, listening strategies, motivation





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