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本研究目的旨在探討遠距照護系統介入對公車駕駛員的高血壓防治之成果。採單組前後測設計,以立意取樣的方式,選取台北市某客運公司駕駛員為研究對象,有效樣本共計111位,進行統計分析,研究結果發現: 一、 自覺行動障礙得分越低者、自我效能得分越高者,運動頻率越多,運動頻率「4-5次/週」者比「沒有運動」者的自覺行動障礙低;運動頻率「4-5次/週」者比「沒有運動」者的自我效能高。 二、 工作年資越多者,行動線索得分越高,且工作年資「11年以上」者比「0-5年」者的行動線索多;年齡越大者,BMI數值越低, 年齡「46-55歲」者比「26-35歲」者的BMI低。 三、 遠距照護系統介入後,在高血壓防治知識、自覺嚴重性、自覺行動利益、自我效能方面皆有進步,但未達統計顯著差異。 四、 遠距照護系統介入能有效提升研究對象的自覺罹患性、自覺行動障礙及行動線索,以及有效改善研究對象的腰圍、收縮壓及舒張壓。 五、 遠距照護系統介入後,研究對象的BMI及膽固醇數值不降反升,建議未來提供職場健康促進活動時,將體重管理、飲食及運動優先納入的議題。
  This study aimed to investigate the prevention of hypertension in telecare system among bus drivers. A quasi-experimental design was utilized and purposive sampling was conducted at a transport company in Taipei. This study collected 111 valid samples in total. Within the scope of the study, the following conclusions were derived: 1. The total perceived barriers of bus drivers could depend on exercise frequency showing different scores, and the exercise frequency of 4-5 times per week were less than without exercise; the total self-efficacy of bus drivers could depend on exercise frequency, and the exercise frequency of 4-5 times per week were higher than without exercise. 2. Bus drivers who had more working experience in the transport company had more cues to action, and more than ten years of working experience was higher than zero to five years. Older subjects were more likely to have lower BMI, and the age of 46-55 were less than 26-35. 3. General improvements were observed in hypertension knowledge, perceived severity, action benefits and self-efficacy, but there were no statistically significant. 4. The telecare system could improve bus drivers’ perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers to action, cues to action were significantly higher than before pretest scores. In addition, the results showed that waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in posttest were significantly higher than pretest. 5. After using the telecare system intervention, the mean BMI and cholesterol were increased. The author suggests that workplace health promotion in the future could consider prioritising weight management, diet and exercise.



遠距照護系統, 公車駕駛員, 高血壓, 健康信念模式, telecare system, bus drivers, hypertension, health belief model





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