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清國時期以來就tī台灣流傳ê歌仔冊,主要是tùi福建kap上海所出版ê「中國歌仔冊」。Kàu-kah日治時期大正年間,台北ê「黃塗活版所」tī 1916年加入發行歌仔冊ê市場,台灣chiah出現本地出版ê歌仔冊。不而過,chit ê時陣,消費市場iû-goân是以中國出版ê歌仔冊佔khah大部分。一直到1932年,中國發生「一二八上海事變」禁止運物資來台灣,造成中國歌仔冊貨源ê斷絕,台灣本地ê出版商因為市場ê需求積極投入、大量出版,顛倒開創出流行ê高峰,hō͘台灣歌仔冊有chin chhia-iāⁿ ê發展。換一句話來講,日治時期是台灣本地加入歌仔冊ê出版,開始進入台灣自主發展歌仔冊ê重要階段。Tī chit款ê情形之下,日治時期台灣歌仔冊「本土化」ê發展情形,是本論文關心ê主要議題。本論文主要是beh透過歷時性ê量化統計,去呈現出日治時期台灣歌仔冊ê本土化情形。實際ê研究方式主要分做3大部分來進行,第1個部分是tī無仝ê文本來源當中,整理出「日治時期台灣歌仔冊」ê目錄,而且排除重複、無註明年代kap內容無完整ê文本。本研究目前收tio̍h ê日治時期台灣歌仔冊文本,出版時間是tùi 1916年kàu 1938年,數量攏總是568本。第2個部分,是設計2個類別ê變項,包括:題材類型(「純粹中國題材」、「純粹台灣題材」、「混合台灣kap中國題材」hām「其他題材」以及創作模式(「Tùi中國歌仔冊翻印」、「Tùi中國歌仔冊改編」、「台灣新創」kap「暫時無分」),了後kā相關文本做分類。第3個部分,kā分類後ê結果做量化ê統計,去觀察歌仔冊題材tòe時間ê分布kap變化,最後去評估日治時期整體台灣歌仔冊kap台灣出版商ê本土化程,進一步歸納出日治時期台灣歌仔冊本土化ê情形。本研究成果顯示,日治時期台灣歌仔冊雖然整體停留tī純粹中國題材出版量超過純粹台灣題材ê本土化程度,但是,有3個真重要ê轉變,證明本土化程度已經有chin大ê提升:第1、歌仔冊題材tùi早期純粹中國題材獨佔市場ê情形,進一步變做題材khah台灣化兼多元化ê走向。第2、創作模式tùi早期倚靠翻印中國歌仔冊ê方式,轉tùi以台灣在地ê創作為主,而且台灣在地ê創作大多數是描寫台灣ê題材。第3、1930年前後ê台灣出版商,仝款呈現出1930年以後台灣出版商純粹中國題材ê出版比例降低,純粹台灣題材出版比例增加ê情形;以及tùi倚靠翻印中國歌仔冊到積極出版「台灣新創」歌仔冊ê轉變。整體來講,透過ê本文研究ē-tàng清楚觀察著,日治時期台灣歌仔冊tùi一開始以中國題材為主,漸漸kiâⁿ向台灣本土、倚近台灣人民ê本土化發展。雖然日治時期台灣歌仔冊本土化iáu-bōe成功,卻是展現出歌仔冊ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á tī台灣釘根、建構出台灣主體性ê發展過程。
The traditional ballads (or Koa-a-chheh in Taiwanese) that circulated in Taiwan before twentieth century were mainly published either in Fujian or Shanghai, China. The first Taiwan-based publisher of traditional ballads was Ng Tho Publisher in 1916. Taiwan’s market of traditional ballads was mainly occupied by those published in China until 1932, until the January 28 Incident occurred in Shanghai. Following this Incident, Chinese products were not allowed to be imported to Taiwan, and as a result traditional ballads from China were banned. This factor indirectly contributed to the Taiwanization of traditional ballads in Taiwan.The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the process of Taiwanization of Koa-a-chheh published in Taiwan in the Japanese period from 1916 to 1938 using a quantitative perspective. A total of 568 volumes of Koa-a-chheh published in this period were collected and analysed.The results reveal that those 568 volumes of Koa-a-chheh can be divided into four categories in accordance to their topics. They are: 1) authentic traditional Chinese topics, 2) authentic Taiwanese topics, 3) hybrid of both Taiwanese and Chinese topics, and 4) miscellaneous topics. Those categories account for 49.12%, 29.75%, 10.21% and 10.92%, respectively. Although authentic traditional Chinese topics still occupied the highest percentage, the percentage of authentic Taiwanese topics dramatically increased over the years after 1930. The period from 1916 to 1938 were further divided into early period (1916~1929) and later period (1931~1938) to see the difference of changes. The statistical results have shown that authentic traditional Chinese topics declined from 76.15% (early period) to 42.70% (later period). However, authentic Taiwanese topics increased from 11.93% to 33.99%. Concluding findings show that Koa-a-chheh writing was obviously moving from traditional Chinese topics to more diverse Taiwanese centred topics in the 1930s, and demonstrated an important stage in the Taiwanization of Koa-a-chheh, through the adoption of Han characters in writing.
The traditional ballads (or Koa-a-chheh in Taiwanese) that circulated in Taiwan before twentieth century were mainly published either in Fujian or Shanghai, China. The first Taiwan-based publisher of traditional ballads was Ng Tho Publisher in 1916. Taiwan’s market of traditional ballads was mainly occupied by those published in China until 1932, until the January 28 Incident occurred in Shanghai. Following this Incident, Chinese products were not allowed to be imported to Taiwan, and as a result traditional ballads from China were banned. This factor indirectly contributed to the Taiwanization of traditional ballads in Taiwan.The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the process of Taiwanization of Koa-a-chheh published in Taiwan in the Japanese period from 1916 to 1938 using a quantitative perspective. A total of 568 volumes of Koa-a-chheh published in this period were collected and analysed.The results reveal that those 568 volumes of Koa-a-chheh can be divided into four categories in accordance to their topics. They are: 1) authentic traditional Chinese topics, 2) authentic Taiwanese topics, 3) hybrid of both Taiwanese and Chinese topics, and 4) miscellaneous topics. Those categories account for 49.12%, 29.75%, 10.21% and 10.92%, respectively. Although authentic traditional Chinese topics still occupied the highest percentage, the percentage of authentic Taiwanese topics dramatically increased over the years after 1930. The period from 1916 to 1938 were further divided into early period (1916~1929) and later period (1931~1938) to see the difference of changes. The statistical results have shown that authentic traditional Chinese topics declined from 76.15% (early period) to 42.70% (later period). However, authentic Taiwanese topics increased from 11.93% to 33.99%. Concluding findings show that Koa-a-chheh writing was obviously moving from traditional Chinese topics to more diverse Taiwanese centred topics in the 1930s, and demonstrated an important stage in the Taiwanization of Koa-a-chheh, through the adoption of Han characters in writing.
歌仔冊, 本土化, 台灣化, 台語文學, 唸歌, Taiwanese ballads, Koa-a-chheh, Taiwanization, indigenization, Taiwanese literature, Liam-koa