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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
臺灣位居亞熱帶,適宜各種水域活動。然而民眾太熱衷活動之樂趣,忽略了自身的安全,導致水域安全就成為了事後大家最關心的議題。這將隨著週休二日的實施, 其重要性更加的突顯。由於溺水問題相當的複雜,所以瞭解其可能的影響因素是擬訂預防策略的重要關鍵。本研究根據臺灣地區民眾發生溺水事件之資料,進行其可 能的因素之探討。結果發現:不同的縣市發生溺水結果會有所不同。非法水域發生溺斃之比率比合法者高;無樹立警告標誌比有樹立者高;有設置救生站為無設置者 低。游泳池發生溺斃之比率比其他水域低,而海、河、溪又比池塘、水溝、水庫低。男性發生溺水之比率比女性高。不同年組發生溺水結果有所差異,9歲以下年組 比其他年齡組低;而10-14歲年組比其他年齡組高。有水域搶救者,發生溺斃之比率比無水域搶救者低;有實施過心肺復甦術比無實施者低;有送醫治療者比無 送醫治療者低。
Warm coasts and rivers in Taiwan are very suitable fro aquatic activities. Water safety has not been paid a lot concerns among the public exactly until water-related unintentional injuries frequently occurred. The preventive strategies should be based upon the studies about the influences of drowning. However, water safety has been exposed to relatively little research. Hence, the purpose of this study as to explore the influential factors of drowning in Taiwan. The drowning rates were varied by counties in Taiwan. The drowning rate at illegal waters was higher than the rate at legal waters. The drowning rate for non warning sings was higher than the rate for warning signs. The drowning rate for places without lifeguards was higher than the rate for places with lifeguards. The drowning rates were varied by bodies of water. Swimming pools had the lowest drowning rate. The drowning rates at ocean, rivers, and creeks were lower than those of ponds, ditches, and irrigation canals. The drowning rate for males was higher than the rate for females. The drowning rates were varied between age groups. Rates were lowest among children younger than 9 years. Rates were highest among adolescents between 10 years and 14 years. The drowning rate for those being rescued was lower than the rate without being rescued. The drowning rate with immediate resuscitation was lower than the rate without immediate resuscitation. The drowning rate of sending to the hospital with medical treatments was lower than the rate of without sending.
Warm coasts and rivers in Taiwan are very suitable fro aquatic activities. Water safety has not been paid a lot concerns among the public exactly until water-related unintentional injuries frequently occurred. The preventive strategies should be based upon the studies about the influences of drowning. However, water safety has been exposed to relatively little research. Hence, the purpose of this study as to explore the influential factors of drowning in Taiwan. The drowning rates were varied by counties in Taiwan. The drowning rate at illegal waters was higher than the rate at legal waters. The drowning rate for non warning sings was higher than the rate for warning signs. The drowning rate for places without lifeguards was higher than the rate for places with lifeguards. The drowning rates were varied by bodies of water. Swimming pools had the lowest drowning rate. The drowning rates at ocean, rivers, and creeks were lower than those of ponds, ditches, and irrigation canals. The drowning rate for males was higher than the rate for females. The drowning rates were varied between age groups. Rates were lowest among children younger than 9 years. Rates were highest among adolescents between 10 years and 14 years. The drowning rate for those being rescued was lower than the rate without being rescued. The drowning rate with immediate resuscitation was lower than the rate without immediate resuscitation. The drowning rate of sending to the hospital with medical treatments was lower than the rate of without sending.