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本研究旨在探討綜合高中學生選修學術學程之學習滿意度。為達成研究目的,首先透過文獻探討,建立研究的整體架構,並編製「綜合高中學生選修學術學程之學習滿意度問卷」。此問卷經因素分析及項目分析後具有良好的信、效度。本研究所採用之問卷調查法,係以台灣地區九十二學年度綜合高中開設學術學程的學校共計90所及高三學生9,941位為母群體。共計抽取20所學校(公、私立各10所),學生約為1,600位做為施測對象。問卷調查結束後經統計共回收1,121份,回收率為70%,其中有9份為無效卷,有效卷共計1112份。 本研究所使用的統計分析方法主要包括:次數分配(Frequency)、百分比 Percentages)、平均數(Means)、標準差(Standard Deviation)、平均數差異考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)、雪費事後比較法(Schaffer’s posterior comparisons)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson’s product-moment correlation)、卡方考驗(Chi- square test)等。經分析結果,獲致下列主要結論: 一、綜合高中學生選修學術學程之整體的學習滿意程度屬於「尚滿意」,但滿意度傾向未達四分之滿意水準。 二、各構面之滿意度,相對而言以「學校輔導」最高,其餘依次為「教師教學」、「學習環境」、「課程教材」、「學習成果」,而以「學習態度」最低,但滿意度傾向均未達四分之滿意水準。 三、不同「學校隸屬」、「學校類型」、「就學地區」、「性別」及「家長學歷」的學生對整體滿意度而言並無顯著差異。 四、不同選修組別者對整體滿意度而言具有顯著差異,選自然組之滿意度高於選社會組者。 五、不同選修學術學程原因者對整體滿意度而言具有顯著差異,依「自己的興趣」選修之滿意度高於「同學的影響」、「學校的分配」及「其他」選修原因者。 六、「學校隸屬」及「就學地區」與選修的原因之間有相關存在。但「性別」及「家長學歷」與選修的原因之間並無相關存在。 七、「學校隸屬」、「性別」及「就學地區」與選修的組別之間有相關存在。但「家長學歷」與選修的組別之間則無相關存在。 根據研究發現及結論,研究者對教育行政機關、綜合高中、教師及後續研究者分別提出一些建議,以供改進教學及後續研究之參考。
This thesis was to investigate the learning satisfactions for students majoring in academic programs in comprehensive high school. In pursuit of the purpose of this study, firstly, the researcher use the literature review to build the framework of this study, and next, develop “The Questionnaire of Surveying the Learning Satisfactions for Students Majoring in the Academic programs at comprehensive high school”. The result of this questionnaire is very reliable and effective due to it being through the factor analysis and item analysis. In this study, there were 9,941 third grade students in 90 comprehensive high schools, which set academic programs in the academic year of 2003. A sample of 1,600 students was stratified random sampling from 20 schools(10 public schools& 10 private schools). The actual questionnaires returned are 1,121 copies but with only 1112 are effective after screening. A 70% of return rate was achieved. The statistical methods implemented hereinafter include Frequency, Percentages, Mean, Standard Deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Schaffer’s posterior comparisons, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Chi-square test etc. After the data was analyzed, the main findings can be concluded as follows: 1. As a whole, the degree of learning satisfaction for the students majoring in the academic programs in comprehensive high school were “Acceptable ”, but the satisfactory tends to be lower than 4 points which stand for the standard of satisfaction. 2. The factors of the learning satisfaction were ranked as follows: counseling guidance, teacher Instruction, learning environment, learning achievement, but learning attitude was the lowest satisfaction level on the factors, but all the satisfactory tends to be lower than 4 points which stand for the standard of satisfaction. 3.There was no significant difference in learning satisfaction within school belongings, school type, school location, gender and educational background of student parents, respectively. 4.There was significant difference in learning satisfaction between courses choices that chose natural group was higher then social group. 5.There were significant differences in learning satisfaction among the reasons of program choices, that depend on his own interest was higher then those classmates effect, school distribution, and other reasons. 6. There were significant correlations between the schoolbelongings,school location and the reasons of program choices. But there were no significant correlations between the gender, educational background of student parents and the reasons of program choices. 7. There were significant correlations between the school belongings, gender, school location and the courses choices. But there were no significant correlations between the educational background of student parents and the courses choices. According to the findings and conclusions of this research, some suggestions as references were made for educational administration organization, comprehensive high schools, teachers, and the further studies, respectively.



綜合高中, 學術學程, 學習滿意度, Comprehensive high school, academic program, learning satisfaction





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