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在工業革命時代,產品需大量生產製造的過程,為追求利潤時,常運用上、中、下游的垂直群聚效益,或同業間關係網絡以降低成本增加自身的競爭優勢。20世紀是知識發達與資訊爆炸的時代,KNOW-HOW與科技創新的專業知識,往往成為企業決勝的關鍵與獲利指數。在甫進入21世紀初期,美國蘋果產品與電影工業的經濟現象,預言了未來產品的經濟獲利曲線-好設計就是好生意、文化是門好生意。 在全球化的經濟浪潮衝擊下,「文化創意產業」莫不成為各國爭相發展的關鍵產業。文創產品運用文化、知識、設計、科技、創新等元素,為產品創造出高經濟附加價值,因其產品的利潤與價值,非唯一取擇低廉的製造成本,常因是商品其自身創新的特殊性、設計美感、稀少性而產生的經濟上的價值。 台灣的紡織業與成衣的加工業,曾為台灣產業創造經濟上的驕傲,為台灣賺取大量外匯,成為傳統產業的龍頭,然隨者中國大陸以低廉的勞工成本的優勢成為世界的代工廠,曾經為台灣國內服飾產業的四大商圈之一的艋舺(大理)服飾商圈,也因著台灣服飾產業的沒落及鐵路地下化而一蹶不振。 近年,中央及地方政府透過「MIT時尚創作基地」專案合作與環境改造計畫,提振艋舺服飾商圈產品品質與產業群聚功能,並期望結合商圈鄰近在地如龍山寺、青山宮、剝皮寮、青草巷等文化資產及觀光美食,形塑成臺北市特色的文創產業群聚。 本研究將根據後現代消費型態的特性與Porter鑽石理論以質性的研究方法檢視本研究個案的群聚現況與效益,並藉由韓國東大門與中國虎門國外案例的探析,以提供本研究個案未來發展的參考。
The processing industries of textile and fabric have ever been the proud of economic development in Taiwan. As China’s economy grew fast in 2000s, the growth of clothing industries in Taiwan was in deep recession apparently, then affecting the development of MOGA’s industries of clothing which was ever the one of four clothing business districts in Taiwan. In recently years, in order to shape the cluster of cultural creative industry and improve the cluster function of industries in Taipei, the central and local government have made cooperative projects of “Creative Fashion Base of MIT” through combining cultural assets with characteristics restaurants near MOGA clothing business district to promote the quality of environment and the ability of design in MOGA clothing business circle. According to the characteristics of Postmodern Consumption and Porter’s diamond theory, this study applies a qualitative approach to analysis the issues of the case – MOGA clothing business circle and focuses on the effect of cluster of industry. Through the contrast between Dongdaemun and Humen, the study discusses the significance of them and tries to make suggestions for the future development of MOGA clothing business circle.



產業群聚, 創意城市, 文化創意產業, cluster of industry, creative city, cultural and creative industry





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