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摘要 本文以台灣嘻哈音樂在東亞影響下之跨界合作為主要研究目的。台灣嘻哈樂在經過二十餘年的發展後,從初期的模仿到中期的音樂型態在地化,再至現今與東亞國家進行各項跨界音樂交流,帶出台灣嘻哈音樂多樣且豐富的文化流動與可變性,同時也呈現出台灣嘻哈音樂在全球化潮流下跨界亞洲之可能性。 本文分為三章。第一章探討嘻哈樂的歷史起源、饒舌音樂形式與其全球化過程,並利用阿君.阿帕度萊(Arjun Appadurai) 全球景觀理論指出嘻哈文化所具有的跨國族群離散與媒體景觀等特質,與饒舌樂所具有的多變性,使嘻哈音樂能夠在不同的文化中發展出多樣風貌。第二章以東亞脈絡下的嘻哈音樂發展為主,以日本嘻哈及節奏藍調音樂與韓流(Korean Wave)風潮下的韓國嘻哈音樂為重點,指出兩者與台灣嘻哈樂的發展及形塑有著不可分割的關係。第三章回歸台灣嘻哈音樂發展史,並以樂團大嘴巴、歌手李玖哲、音樂製作人Jae Chong與饒舌歌手蛋堡為例,分析其音樂風格、形象與自身之東亞跨國合作經驗。透過全球離散流動、跨國主義與跨國界認同,強調台灣嘻哈音樂在地化的同時,也經由跨國音樂合作產生了跨東亞嘻哈音樂的可能。
Abstract The thesis focuses on the transnational collaborations of Taiwanese hip hop music in East Asia. Over the past twenty years, Taiwanese hip hop music has transformed from the stages of initial imitation and appropriation of the music form, the domestication of local culture to the present transnational crossover collaborations among East Asian countries. Transnational Taiwanese hip hop music brings abundant cultural diversity and flow and also presents the possibility of “trans-Asian” hip hop. The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter probes into the history of hip hop culture, the art form of rap music, and the globalization of hip hop. By adopting Arjun Appadurai’s “scape” theory, I indicate that ethnoscapes and mediascapes are related to the globalization of hip hop, along with the mutability of rap to develop hip hop in different cultures. The second chapter draws the attention on the development of hip hop music in the context of East Asian countries by discussing specific issues as Korean Wave/K-pop, J-hip hop and J-R&B to thus suggest that the interrelations of hip hop’s cross-cultural and regional experience in East Asia has the great influence on Taiwanese hip hop music. In Chapter Three, I first summarize the history and development of Taiwanese hip hop and take Taiwanese hip hop group Da Mouth, singer Nicky Lee, music producer Jae Chong and rapper Softlipa to be the cases to analyze their images, music style and experience of East Asian collaborations. I argue that transnational Taiwanese hip hop musicin East Asia has come to possibility through global mobility of diaspora, transnationalism and transbordering identities.



嘻哈音樂, 饒舌, 跨國合作, 東亞, 韓流, 全球化, 台灣嘻哈, hip hop music, rap, transnational collaboration, East Asia, Korean Wave, globalization, Taiwanese hip hop





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