

本研究旨在探討隔代教養家庭祖父母的管教及祖孫情感關係,並進一步分析其影響因素。本研究定義「隔代教養家庭」為:祖父母與孫子女週間每天同住,且由祖父母擔負孫子女教養與照顧責任;而「祖父母管教」則以「反應」與「要求」兩面向分析,「反應」指祖父母對於孫子女生活作息或行為表現的支持、鼓勵與接納;「要求」指祖父母對於孫子女生活作息或行為表現的規定、控制與命令。研究採問卷調查法,針對隔代教養家庭之國中生為對象,採取立意取樣選取台北縣市公立國中(及完全中學國中部)30所學校,共計發出615份問卷,回收問卷369份,其中有效問卷為288份。主要研究發現如下: 一、隔代教養家庭中,主要照顧者為「奶奶」最多,其次為「外婆」,再其次為「爺爺」,最少則為「外公」,顯示:擔任主要照顧者以女性多於男性、父系祖父母多於母系祖父母。 二、隔代教養的成因,以「父母離婚」最多,其次是「母雙方皆工作忙碌無法照顧」,再其次為「父母一方或雙方過世」。 三、祖父母的管教,就「反應」與「要求」兩部分來分析,在「反應」方面,以對孫子女的生病照顧、原諒錯誤及鼓勵用功讀書為頻率最高的前三項;而「要求」方面,則以對孫子女生活習慣的要求為主。 四、在影響隔代教養家庭祖父母管教的因素,就孫子女、祖父母及家庭背景變項來看,祖父母健康狀況愈好及孫子女與父親關係愈好,則祖父母愈會以「反應」的管教方式;而在「要求」方面,上述變項皆沒有顯著的解釋力。 五、整體而言,隔代教養家庭中的祖孫情感關係頗佳。而在影響「祖孫情感關係」的因素,就孫子女、祖父母、家庭背景變項及祖父母管教方式來看,以與父親的關係及祖父母「反應」的管教能有效解釋祖孫情感關係。
The purpose of this research focuses on grandparents’ parenting and the mental relationship between grandparents and grandchildren in families of grandparents raising their grandchildren. The requirement for families of grandparents raising their grandchildren is that grandchildren have to live together with their grandparents every day in a week; furthermore, grandparents are obligated to care and parent their grandchildren. The analysis on grandparents’ parenting is based on “response parenting” and “demand parenting”. The response parenting refers to grandparents’ support, encouragement and acceptance for grandchildren’s daily practices and behavior. Then, the demand parenting refers to grandparents’ regulation, control and demand for grandchildren’s daily practices and behavior. The data of this research is obtained by questionnaires which focus on the junior high school students from families of grandparents raising their grandchildren. The samples are adopted by purposive-sampling method. 30 public high schools in Taipei county and Taipei city (including the junior high school departments in senior high schools) are involved in this research. There are 615 questionnaires issued to conduct this research in total. Among them, 369 questionnaires are responded; furthermore, 288 questionnaires are valid. The following is the findings: 1. In families of grandparents raising their grandchildren, the first one who takes the duty to take care of grandchildren is their grandmothers, the next, their maternal grandmothers, then, their grandfathers, and the last, their maternal grandfathers. The result reveals that females take more duty in caring their grandchildren than males and paternal grandparents take more duty than maternal grandparents. 2. The major cause for families of grandparents raising their grandchildren is divorce. And the next cause is the fact that their parents are so busy on jobs that they cannot take care of their children. The third cause is the death of either side of parents or the death of both parents. 3. The analysis on grandparents’ parenting is divided into response parenting and demand parenting. In grandparents' "response parenting," the first three most common parenting are the hospitalization , the correction of errors and the encouragement for academic performance of their grandchildren. However, in grandparents' "demand parenting," grandparents put priority to their grandchildren’s daily practices. 4. In this research, the factors in grandparents’ parenting of families of grandparents raising grandchildren are discussed. As for the variables of grandchildren, grandparents and family backgrounds, if their grandparents own better health condition and the relationship between fathers and children is better, grandparents will more likely to adopt response parenting. On the contrary, in grandparents’ demand parenting, there is no obvious connection with the variables mentioned above. 5. In short, the mental relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is quite good in families of grandparents raising their grandchildren. Among all factors in the mental relationship of grandparents and grandchildren, the relationship with their fathers and the response parenting of their grandparents can fully explain the mental relationship of grandparents and grandchildren, which is based on the variables of grandchildren, grandparents and family backgrounds and their grandparents’ parenting methods.



隔代教養家庭, 祖父母管教, 祖孫情感關係, families of grandparents raising their grandchildren, grandparents’ parenting, the mental relationship between grandparents and grandchildren





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