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Abstract This study adopts the method of action research and integrates the "problem-based learning" method into the teaching process to help preschool teachers improve their questioning strategies and teaching practices. During the process, the researcher sought the way of improvement during the multiple cycles of "clarifying the problems encountered, formulating and implementing improvement strategies, and going on reflection". The study went through a one-year action research process, with the preschool teachers, who were under the researcher’s teaching guidance, serving as research participants. The documentary data collected from preschool teachers’ teaching logs, professional learning network sites, and group discussions, and along with on-site recordings, was fully analyzed. The findings of this study are as follows:1. The problem-based learning method can effectively guide thepreschool teachers to discover the problems of their questioningstrategies and trigger them to take action on making improvements.2. The problem-based learning method helps the preschool teachers to clarify the teaching problems. It effectively helps them to adjust and improve teaching practices in the teaching process.3. The operation of the professional learning network sites effectively builds the teaching consensus among the preschool teachers and enhances the opportunities to share the teaching practice experiences. This would guide the preschool teachers to take action on curriculum adjustments.4. After implementing the problem-based learning method, the researcher constantly reflected and solved the encountered challenges. Yet, there are also difficulties that cannot be completely and effectively solved. However, the researcher obtains precious counselling experiences and enhances the ability to execute the research.The last, the researcher summarizes the experience and reflection generated from the action research, and proposes counselling strategy implementation and following research direction.
Abstract This study adopts the method of action research and integrates the "problem-based learning" method into the teaching process to help preschool teachers improve their questioning strategies and teaching practices. During the process, the researcher sought the way of improvement during the multiple cycles of "clarifying the problems encountered, formulating and implementing improvement strategies, and going on reflection". The study went through a one-year action research process, with the preschool teachers, who were under the researcher’s teaching guidance, serving as research participants. The documentary data collected from preschool teachers’ teaching logs, professional learning network sites, and group discussions, and along with on-site recordings, was fully analyzed. The findings of this study are as follows:1. The problem-based learning method can effectively guide thepreschool teachers to discover the problems of their questioningstrategies and trigger them to take action on making improvements.2. The problem-based learning method helps the preschool teachers to clarify the teaching problems. It effectively helps them to adjust and improve teaching practices in the teaching process.3. The operation of the professional learning network sites effectively builds the teaching consensus among the preschool teachers and enhances the opportunities to share the teaching practice experiences. This would guide the preschool teachers to take action on curriculum adjustments.4. After implementing the problem-based learning method, the researcher constantly reflected and solved the encountered challenges. Yet, there are also difficulties that cannot be completely and effectively solved. However, the researcher obtains precious counselling experiences and enhances the ability to execute the research.The last, the researcher summarizes the experience and reflection generated from the action research, and proposes counselling strategy implementation and following research direction.
問題導向學習, 提問策略, 教學實務, 幼兒園教師, Problem-based learning, Questioning strategy, Teaching practices, Preschool teacher