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Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Emotional Management of Teachers and the Conflict Among Teachers and Students of Handling Strategies in Taiwan. “A Questionnaire of emotional management and the conflict between teachers and students of handling strategies ” was used, and 330 teachers from junior high schools in Taichung City were surveyed. All together 330 questionnaires were issued and 317 were returned, among which 315, or 95%, were valid. The statistics procedures include t-test, one-way ANOVA, posteriori comparison, pearson product-moment correlation and multivariate analysis of variance. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Teachers in junior high school possess greatly competency of teachers’ emotion management. 2. The most possible method for junior high school teachers to solve collision is collaboration. 3. Junior high school teachers of different professional characteristics, including educational background, and research situation, show significant differences in emotional management . 4. Junior high school teachers of different professional characteristics, including gender ,educational background, and research situation, show significant differences in teachers’ handling strategies. 5. Significant difference existed among the competency of teachers’emotion management on teachers’ handling strategies. 6. There was a relationship between emotional management and handling strategies among junior high school teachers. According to the research result, this study made some suggestions for the institution of educational administration, the universities which are responsible for teachers pre-service training, the junior high schools’administration, the junior high school teachers and the future study.
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Emotional Management of Teachers and the Conflict Among Teachers and Students of Handling Strategies in Taiwan. “A Questionnaire of emotional management and the conflict between teachers and students of handling strategies ” was used, and 330 teachers from junior high schools in Taichung City were surveyed. All together 330 questionnaires were issued and 317 were returned, among which 315, or 95%, were valid. The statistics procedures include t-test, one-way ANOVA, posteriori comparison, pearson product-moment correlation and multivariate analysis of variance. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Teachers in junior high school possess greatly competency of teachers’ emotion management. 2. The most possible method for junior high school teachers to solve collision is collaboration. 3. Junior high school teachers of different professional characteristics, including educational background, and research situation, show significant differences in emotional management . 4. Junior high school teachers of different professional characteristics, including gender ,educational background, and research situation, show significant differences in teachers’ handling strategies. 5. Significant difference existed among the competency of teachers’emotion management on teachers’ handling strategies. 6. There was a relationship between emotional management and handling strategies among junior high school teachers. According to the research result, this study made some suggestions for the institution of educational administration, the universities which are responsible for teachers pre-service training, the junior high schools’administration, the junior high school teachers and the future study.
國民中學教師, 情緒, 情緒管理, 師生衝突, 衝突因應策略