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  本研究旨在藉指標權重探討高職學校(以下簡稱高職)評鑑委員專業判斷之一致性,進而確認國內高職評鑑訂定遴選評鑑委員之優先資格與應具備之評鑑專業能力。基此,研究首先經由文獻分析評鑑委員之專業要素,並擷取97-99年度高職評鑑之實習教學領域的部份指標為例,據以依層級分析法之理論設計問卷,藉以探討高職評鑑委員專業判斷之一致性,以建立高職評鑑委員遴選之優先資格。其次,本研究彙整美國、英國、澳洲、加拿大等國之評鑑學會或機構對評鑑委員專業能力之規範,以五等量表設計調查問卷,探討高職評鑑委員應優先具備之評鑑專業能力。 基於本研究援用97-99年度高職評鑑之實習教學領域的評鑑指標為例,計普查曾擔任此領域評鑑的委員共31位,有效回收29位(93.5%)委員之意見,經以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、單一樣本t考驗,比較分析研究之結果,獲致之結論為:(1)評鑑委員之專業判斷以具高職行政及教學經驗者較具一致性;(2)評鑑委員遴選之優先資格宜具備高職及評鑑有關之經驗;(3)評鑑委員應優先具備之評鑑專業能力共計7項。基此,本研究建議高職教育行政主管機關或規劃高職評鑑之受託機構,宜考量對評鑑委員資格與評鑑專業能力作規範,俾利建立評鑑之效度與價值,提升受評對象和社會大眾對評鑑結果之認同。
The study aimed to take the weight of indicators to analyze the consistency of evaluators’ professional judgments, and further establish the qualifications and professional competency guidelines for evaluators’ recruitment. Specifically, the essences of the evaluation and the effects of evaluators’ professional judgments on evaluation were discussed first. Then, the guidelines of professional competency to evaluators from the institutes or the associations in USA, England, Australia and Canada were also analyzed and integrated. And finally, according to the literature reviews, the factors which influenced the evaluators’ professional judgments on evaluation were found out. A total of 29 evaluators from vocational high school evaluation in 2008-2010 participated in this study. A questionnaire was designed with the concepts of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) by the researcher to reach the study purposes. Based on the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, the findings of the study were summarized as follows: (1) The evaluators who have had the experience of teaching in the vocational high schools or teaching vocational related subjects are more consistency on the judgments; (2) The qualifications of evaluators’ recruitment should take the related experiences in vocational high school into consideration; (3) The professional competency of evaluators have involved seven key items. The findings of the study hoped to establish and maintain professional credibility of evaluation.



高職評鑑, 專業判斷, 判斷一致性, 評鑑委員資格, 評鑑委員專業能力, vocational high school evaluation, professional judgments, judgments of consistency, the qualifications of evaluators, professional competency





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