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本研究旨在瞭解宜蘭縣參與職業試探之國民中學學生自我覺察與生涯覺察的情況與關係,及不同背景變項的差異情形。本研究採用調查研究法,以373位宜蘭縣國民中學學生為樣本,進行資料的蒐集。所得資料以SPSS 21軟體利用描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行資料的分析,歸納研究結論如下:  一、國民中學學生有高度的自我覺察與生涯覺察。  二、不同性別的國民中學學生自我覺察在整體與「自我探索」構面有顯著差異;其生涯覺察在整體上無顯著差異,但在「判斷工作的價值」構面上有顯著差異。  三、不同學業成績、不同家長教育程度的國民中學學生之自我覺察與生涯覺察上皆無顯著差異。  四、不同家長職業的國民中學學生之自我覺察在整體與「自我瞭解」構面上有顯著差異,在「自我探索」構面上無顯著差異;其生涯覺察在整體上無顯著差異,但在「判斷工作的價值」構面上有顯著差異。  五、參與不同職業試探活動項數及項目對國民中學學生在自我覺察與生涯覺察上無顯著性差異。  六、參與職業試探之國民中學學生在其自我覺察與生涯覺察具有顯著的正相關。 最後,根據本研究分析結果提出具體建議,提供學校、教師、教育行政機關之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the situation and the relevance of the self-awareness and career-awareness of students in course of vocational exploration of junior high schools in Yilan County and discussed the differences of that with diverse backgrounds. This study chose survey method. 373 junior high school students were chosen as participants of this study. The resulting data were analyzed with the SPSS 21 software in terms of descriptive statistics, Independent-Samples t test,one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation Analysis. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The self-awareness and career-awareness of junior high school students were found high level. 2. The self-awareness of junior high school students with different genders had significant difference on the entirety and the “self- exploration” dimension; the career-awareness of that had no significant difference on the entirety, but had significant difference on the “judgment of work value” dimension. 3. The self-awareness and career-awareness of junior high school students with different students’ learning achievement and parents’ educational levels were found to have no significant difference. 4. The self-awareness of junior high school students with different parents’ occupations had significant difference on the entirety and the “self-understanding” dimension, but no significant difference on the self-exploration. The career-awareness of that had no significant difference on the entirety, but had significant difference on the “judgment of work value” dimension. 5. The self-awareness and career-awareness of junior high school students with various amount of vocational exploration activities had no significant difference. 6. There was significant positive correlation between the self-awareness and career-awareness of students in course of vocational exploration of junior high school. Finally, based on the findings and results, specific suggestions for schools, teachers, education authorities are proposed.



職業試探, 自我覺察, 生涯覺察, vocational exploration, self-awareness, career-awareness





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