以 6E 教學模式結合自我效能策略之 AIoT 實作課程對高中生 STEM 職涯興趣、學習成效及行為模式之影響

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隨著工業 4.0 時代來臨,智慧物聯網等相關技術正逐漸落實於日常 生活,各國開始重視跨領域人才培育,以因應此大量且複雜的技術需求。 STEM 教育為一種跨學科整合式教學。而智慧物聯網相當適合作為 STEM 教學主題,其課程內容能整合科學、機械、數學、資訊等領域的 知識與技術應用,並加入人工智慧技術於其中。高中階段是發展 STEM 職涯興趣的關鍵時期,需培養生涯興趣與生 涯決策能力以利進行生涯準備與發展。然現行生活科技課程較少安排有 讓學生能主動探索興趣並進行整合實作專題的學習機會,導致大部分高 中學生對未來職業相關興趣與背景知識間有很大的認知落差。因此本研 究以 6E 教學模式透過智慧物聯網實作課程,協助學生進行多方探索培 養設計與探究能力,並整合跨學科知識與實作經驗。但因課程內容屬性 難度較高,致學生課堂參與度與同儕協助成為影響學習重要關鍵因素, 故將 6E 教學模式結合自我效能策略融入課程,使學生能主動參與課程 討論並在同儕輔助下順利完成實作,增進成就感與興趣,進而獲得更好 的學習成效與 STEM 職涯興趣。本研究透過準實驗設計探討不同教學模式(6E 教學模式結合自我效 能策略、6E 教學模式)對於高中生 STEM 職涯興趣及學習成效(物聯網 知識與實作表現)之影響,並透過行為編碼後進行序列分析,觀察學生 在實作活動中的行為轉換模式。透過共變數分析結果,發現結合自我效能策略之組別無論在 STEM 職涯興趣及在學習成效上皆達顯著差異且表 現較佳;透過行為序列分析,結合自我效能策略組別之學生為爭取教師 及同儕認可,會積極與同儕小組雙向討論各自理念,並分工協力完成實 作;對於教師之進階任務,會選擇接受挑戰持續探究,增進職涯認知並 累積相關經驗。藉由以上行為轉換顯著,佐以說明學生能具備良好的 STEM 職涯興趣與學習成效,此能對於未來在 STEM 相關職涯發展上有 所助益,滿足產業未來人才需求的質與量。
With the arrival of the era of Industry 4.0, the development of technologies such as Internet of Things and others has gradually been implemented in daily life. Many countries have pay attention to the issue of cross-disciplinary talent cultivation by listing STEM education as the focus of educational policy development. The Artificial Internet of Things can be used for STEM teaching. Its integrates the comprehensive knowledge and application of technology in the fields of science, machinery, mathematics, information and artificial intelligence.The middle school stage is a critical period for young people to develop STEM career interests, especially for the high school students. Not only they should experience an important exploratory process of choosing a department at the university but also they need to cultivate their career interest and career decision-making abilities for career preparation. However, there are few opportunities for students to actively explore their interests and integrate practical skills and hence most high school students have a huge cognitive gap between their interests in future career and their background knowledge. Therefore, this research uses the 6E model to assist students in multi- exploration to cultivate design and inquiry capabilities, and integrate theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience through AIoT courses. However, due to the high degree of the course content, students' classroom participation and peer assistance have become key factors affecting learning. Consequently, we use the 6E model combined with the self-efficacy strategies in order to enable students to participate more actively in class discussions and complete their practical works with the help of their peers, thereby accumulating a sense of accomplishment and gaining better learning performance. This study explores the impact of different teaching model (6E model combined with the self-efficacy strategies 6E model) on high school students' STEM career interest (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math self- efficacy) and learning effectiveness (IoT knowledge, hands-on performance) through quasi-experimental design. And through the sequence analysis after the behavior coding, observe the learner's behavior transformation in the hands-on activities. According to the ANCOVA results, we can found that there are significant differences in STEM career interest, IoT knowledge and hands-on ability. The behavior sequence analysis result show that students in the 6E model combined with the self-efficacy strategies group adopt a more active interactive way to share their ideas with peers and will start collaborative hands-on after discussion. Furthermore, they will choose to continue to explore and accept challenges for the advanced task given by the teacher, by doing this they can promote their diversified development and connect with their future workplace. The above behavioral transformation is significant, which shows that students can have good STEM career interest and learning effectiveness, which can help them in the development of related STEM careers in the future, and meet the quality and quantity of future talent needs of the industry.



STEM 教學, 智慧物聯網, STEM 職涯興趣, 自我效能策略, 6E 教學模式, 行為模式, STEM teaching, Artificial Internet of Things, STEM career self- efficacy, self-efficacy strategies, 6E model, behavior pattern





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