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戰爭未曾在人類社會發展的歷史中間斷過,回顧歷次重大的國際戰爭中,探究戰爭的起因,多因和平處置不當而造成戰爭。所謂和平處置不當,就是未能妥善處理和平與戰爭之間的衝突與冗機而發生戰爭。因此,學者為了研究防此衝突與危機變成戰爭,遂發展出「衝突研究」(Conflict Studies or Research)或「危機研究」(Crisis Studies or Research)。古巴飛彈危機後,西方國家為防止情勢失控引爆核戰,而花費大批人、物力研究「危機處理」(Crisis Managing)的理論、方法和準則。
Thesis Summary Wars never stop in human history. Looking back those severe international wars, and studying how they begin, we found that wars mostly caused by dealing peace improperly. The phrase "dealing peace improperly" means that governments are unable to handle the interference and crises, then cause wars. Therefore, scholars develop "conflict research" and "Crisis studied" to prevent interference and crises becoming wars. After Cuba crises, western country spend lots of recourse to study teh theory, methods adn rules of crisis managing for protect from nuclear war caused by uncontrolledsituation. Over viewing previous Taiwan Strait crises, those crises not only affected development of the Republic of china, but also entangled tlhe interests of the United State and teh stability and peace of the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, the crises basically belong to the type of "International conflict". They are also three-sided crises among ROC, PRC, and the US.Lee Teng-hui, the former president of ROC, proposed the special state-to state relationship in 1999. Under the "one-China" argument between teh two sides across the Taiwan Strait, it is obvious that political difference, diplomatic competition, and military confrontation still remain. Increasing economic and cultural contacts do not necessarily lead to peace. In contrast, they may cause more conflicts of interests. Therefore, by coping with international trends, considering natinal development and future security threats, we have to well handle cross-strait economic and security issues. Establishing the crisis-managin mechanism to deal with cross-strait relationship is an emergent subject.
Thesis Summary Wars never stop in human history. Looking back those severe international wars, and studying how they begin, we found that wars mostly caused by dealing peace improperly. The phrase "dealing peace improperly" means that governments are unable to handle the interference and crises, then cause wars. Therefore, scholars develop "conflict research" and "Crisis studied" to prevent interference and crises becoming wars. After Cuba crises, western country spend lots of recourse to study teh theory, methods adn rules of crisis managing for protect from nuclear war caused by uncontrolledsituation. Over viewing previous Taiwan Strait crises, those crises not only affected development of the Republic of china, but also entangled tlhe interests of the United State and teh stability and peace of the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, the crises basically belong to the type of "International conflict". They are also three-sided crises among ROC, PRC, and the US.Lee Teng-hui, the former president of ROC, proposed the special state-to state relationship in 1999. Under the "one-China" argument between teh two sides across the Taiwan Strait, it is obvious that political difference, diplomatic competition, and military confrontation still remain. Increasing economic and cultural contacts do not necessarily lead to peace. In contrast, they may cause more conflicts of interests. Therefore, by coping with international trends, considering natinal development and future security threats, we have to well handle cross-strait economic and security issues. Establishing the crisis-managin mechanism to deal with cross-strait relationship is an emergent subject.
國家安全, 臺海危機, 兩岸關係, National Security, Taiwan Strait Crisis, Cross-Strait Relations