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近幾十年來,台灣的英語教育政策迅速發展,使英語能力成為學生不可或缺的能力,台灣的大學入學考試中,閱讀能力也一直是重點評量項目。在評估學習者的語言學習表現時,學習者因素是重要因子。為了提供研究者更適切的模糊容忍度衡量工具,藉以深入了解模糊容忍度對高中生閱讀表現的影響,本研究產出了針對外語閱讀的模糊容忍度量表(L2RATS),並將其與過往常被學者使用的一般性模糊容忍度量表(MSTAT-II)和外語習得模糊容忍度量表(SLTAS)比較,旨在探討模糊容忍度對於高中階段學習者閱讀焦慮及閱讀表現的影響,了解(一)閱讀模糊容忍度與高中生外語閱讀焦慮及其外語閱讀表現之關係,(二) 閱讀模糊容忍度是否相較於一般和外語模糊容忍度更能有效預測高中生外語閱讀焦慮和外語閱讀表現。本研究取樣對象為台中某市立高中之100位學生,施測過程中,受試者填寫基本資料,並依序填寫外語閱讀焦慮量表(SLRAS)、一般性模糊容忍度量表(MSTAT-II)、外語習得模糊容忍度量表(SLTAS)、外語閱讀模糊容忍度量表(L2RATS),爾後接受大學入學測驗的閱讀題組。研究者透過描述性數據、皮爾森積差相關分析、以及複迴歸分析統計分析資料。研究顯示,外語閱讀模糊容忍度、外語模糊容忍度、外語閱讀焦慮皆與高中生英語閱讀表現呈現顯著相關,一般模糊容忍度則無顯著相關。閱讀模糊容忍度與閱讀焦慮的相關性和外語模糊容忍度與閱讀焦慮的相關性相似,一般模糊容忍度與閱讀焦慮的相關性則較低。就預測力而言,預測外語閱讀焦慮時,閱讀模糊容忍度表現較一般模糊容忍度更好,但三者之中,外語模糊容忍度的表現稍佳。在預測外語閱讀表現方面,所有模糊容忍度變項均未能成為外語閱讀理解表現的顯著預測因素。
Over the past few decades, Taiwan's English education policy has undergone rapid development, emphasizing the importance of English proficiency as a vital skill for students. In Taiwan's university entrance examinations, particular attention has been given to assessing students' reading abilities. When evaluating learners’ language performance, learner factors cannot be ignored. To provide researchers with more appropriate measures of ambiguity tolerance to better understand the impact of ambiguity tolerance on high school students' reading performance, this study developed an L2 reading-specific ambiguity tolerance scale (L2RATS). This scale was compared with the commonly used General Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (MSTAT-II) and the Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (SLTAS) in their impact on FL reading anxiety and FL reading performance among high school learners. Specifically, this study explored (1) the association of reading ambiguity tolerance to reading anxiety and reading performance among high school students, and (2) whether reading ambiguity tolerance is more effective in predicting high school students' reading anxiety and reading performance compared to general ambiguity tolerance and L2 ambiguity tolerance. The study recruited 100 students from a municipal high school in Taichung, Taiwan. Participants were required to complete the Second Language Reading Anxiety Scale (SLRAS), the General Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (MSTAT-II), the Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale (SLTAS), the Second Language Reading Ambiguity Tolerance Scale (L2RATS, and a reading comprehension section of a university entrance examination. Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were employed to analyze the data.Results indicated that L2 reading-specific ambiguity tolerance, general L2 ambiguity tolerance, and L2 reading anxiety exhibited a significant correlation with L2 reading performance while general ambiguity tolerance showed no significant correlation. On the other hand, the correlation between L2 reading-specific ambiguity tolerance and L2 reading anxiety was similar to the correlation between general L2 ambiguity tolerance and L2 reading anxiety, while general ambiguity tolerance had a relatively lower correlation with L2 reading anxiety. In terms of predictability, L2 reading-specific ambiguity tolerance performed better than the general ambiguity tolerance as a predictor for L2 reading anxiety, but it did not perform better than the general L2 ambiguity tolerance in predicting L2 anxiety. Concerning predicting L2 reading performance, none of the ambiguity tolerance variables emerged as significant predictors of English reading comprehension performance.



模糊容忍度, 閱讀焦慮, 閱讀學習成就, Ambiguity Tolerance, Reading Anxiety, Reading Comprehension





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