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本研究旨在瞭解大專生工讀參與動機及工作表現對就業力之影響,並以暑期社區產業工讀為例,為達研究目的,藉由文獻探討,建構研究的整體架構,發展「大專生工讀參與動機及工作表現對就業力影響之研究問卷調查表」為研究工具,經信度考驗,並達一定程度,問卷內容亦經專家會議、預填、修正,以建立內容效度。 問卷以普查方式進行,發出361份,回收309份,有效問卷274份,有效填答率88.67%。問卷結果採用描述統計、信度分析、因素分析、成對樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、逐步多元迴歸分析、路徑分析等統計分析方法。研究結果發現: 一、學生認為獲取社會經驗、工作紀律性、工作態度與合作能力為最重要,顯示參加該工讀計畫的大專生,能體認優質的工讀體驗能協助個人從工作中學習成長、培養敬業樂業及團隊合作精神,對未來提升就業力是大有幫助的。 二、學生就性別、就讀學校體系、有無工讀經驗的比較上,在工讀之參與動機、工作表現呈現部分顯著差異,但在提升就業力上未達顯著差異,故在就業力提升的效果上,整體而言,適合所有就讀高教、技職體系的男女大學生參與,相當值得擴大辦理。 三、學生工讀參與動機對工作表現、提升就業力分別有正向顯著影響,工作表現對提升就業力亦存在正向顯著影響;同時,參與動機透過工作表現能提升其就業力。顯示參與該項工讀計畫能提供大專生從教室到工作職場良好的體驗平台,對提升就業力有明顯效果。 最後依研究結論,對該工讀計畫相關參與者及未來研究,提出具體建議。
The purpose of this study is to realize the relationship between college students’ motivational factors, job performance, and their employability. In order to reach this goal, a questionnaire survey mainly based on documents was conducted. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire used in this study were both statistically verified. A total of 361 questionnaires were delivered to college students who participated in summer internships in community industry, and 309 copies were returned. Among the returned 309 copies, 274 copies were categorized as effective questionnaires, and the effective response rate was 88.67%. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, independent-samples t test, paired sample t test, stepwise multiple regression analysis, and path analysis. The findings are displayed as follows: 1. Students believed gaining social experience, work discipline, work attitude, and collaborative abilities to be the most important. The questionnaires showed that students who took part in the internships realized that a good internship experience could increase their on-the-job personal growth and team engagement, and thereby facilitating the employability. 2. In terms of students’ gender, educational systems, and past internship experiences, there was partially significant difference in work motivation and job performance, but no significant difference on employability. Therefore, in order to enhance the effects of employability, it would be worthwhile to expand the internship programs for all university students and technical and vocational college students. 3. For those who participated in summer internships, their motivational factors were positively affected their job performance and employability. Also, their job performance was positive affected employability. Moreover, their motivational factors through job performance affected their employability. It could be said that participating the internship program could provide an effective transitional platform for college and university students from the classroom to the work place, and had significantly effects in employability. Finally, according to the above findings, ten suggestions were proposed for the study participants and future researchers



參與動機, 工作表現, 就業力, 工讀, 實習, 暑期社區產業工讀計畫, Motivational Factors, Job Performance, Employability, Intern, Internship, Plan of summer community-industry internships





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