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圖像壁貼從 2003出現至今約六年,從尚未成熟的商品發展至今趨於成熟,不論在視覺性、即時性、方便性、經濟性都展露一番新局面。其材質與色相的應用因應不同設計師的需求顏色也有多元的呈現。讓消費者加入設計的一環,其多變性使得購買者有無限的空間得以重新詮釋,相異的排列組合將造成不同的構圖美感,透過此媒材進行紋飾的創作,以中華傳統紋飾為創作依據,將圖像壁貼的視覺特性發展到極致。
Abstract Wallsticker has appeared since 2003 and gradually developed into a near mature product. It reveals some brand new perspectives in visualization, instantaneity, convenience and economy. Its material selection and hue application have diversified according to designer’s needs. Enabling the consumers get involved in the design allows unlimited ways of presentation due to its versatility, and various combinations make different esthetic compositions. Based on the Chinese traditional patterns to make wallsticker pattern design develops into the ultimate visual effects. Through analyzing the existing related research documents first, this research discusses the origin and development of the Chinese traditional patterns, the meaning that the traditional patterns symbolized, and the perception of images from eastern and western prospective. The style of Chinese traditional patterns includes animals, plants, words, and objects. By specifically extracting the key element of the plant patterns, rebuild and innovate new patterns and further explore the possibility to apply to the spatial design. Discuss the correlation between the traditional pattern wallsticker and space in depth; base on the origin and development of wallsticker to delicately apply plant patterns into the home interior and interact with the living space. From the post-modernism perspective to reinterpret the traditional patterns. To develop this product by applying the two-thousand-year traditional Chinese patterns. The elements of Chinese culture have long been an important medium for Chinese artists to join and rise on the worldwide design stage. Through the reinterpretation and application of the existing culture and infuse into the perspectives of the modern era to give a new life to the classic tradition. The graphic wallsticker is the new representation of the traditional patterns. By means of applying the traditional patterns into the wallsticker of interior design and matching the modern simplicity design of furniture and decoration to rejuvenate this part of the Chinese traditional culture.
Abstract Wallsticker has appeared since 2003 and gradually developed into a near mature product. It reveals some brand new perspectives in visualization, instantaneity, convenience and economy. Its material selection and hue application have diversified according to designer’s needs. Enabling the consumers get involved in the design allows unlimited ways of presentation due to its versatility, and various combinations make different esthetic compositions. Based on the Chinese traditional patterns to make wallsticker pattern design develops into the ultimate visual effects. Through analyzing the existing related research documents first, this research discusses the origin and development of the Chinese traditional patterns, the meaning that the traditional patterns symbolized, and the perception of images from eastern and western prospective. The style of Chinese traditional patterns includes animals, plants, words, and objects. By specifically extracting the key element of the plant patterns, rebuild and innovate new patterns and further explore the possibility to apply to the spatial design. Discuss the correlation between the traditional pattern wallsticker and space in depth; base on the origin and development of wallsticker to delicately apply plant patterns into the home interior and interact with the living space. From the post-modernism perspective to reinterpret the traditional patterns. To develop this product by applying the two-thousand-year traditional Chinese patterns. The elements of Chinese culture have long been an important medium for Chinese artists to join and rise on the worldwide design stage. Through the reinterpretation and application of the existing culture and infuse into the perspectives of the modern era to give a new life to the classic tradition. The graphic wallsticker is the new representation of the traditional patterns. By means of applying the traditional patterns into the wallsticker of interior design and matching the modern simplicity design of furniture and decoration to rejuvenate this part of the Chinese traditional culture.
圖像壁貼, 中華傳統紋飾, 植物紋飾