本系統的人體動作特徵擷取分為兩個部份,其中一部份為深度資訊特徵擷取,另一部份為人物輪廓特徵擷取。當系統讀入連續的人體動作深度影像後,會先進行人物位置之驗證,接著對該人物之深度影像建構深度直方圖(range histogram),並累積多個深度直方圖以做為深度資訊特徵;另一方面對該人物進行輪廓偵測,計算構成輪廓的各點位置與該輪廓的頂點位置的距離,得其輪廓點位置與該輪廓頂點位置的相對距離特徵,並進行差值累積,以此作為人物輪廓動作特徵描述。最後,利用兩個Extreme Learning Machines進行階層式人體動作分類,第一階段先進行深度資訊特徵分類,若第一階段未得出分類結果,則再輔以第二階段人物輪廓特徵分別進行分類。
Because of the advancement of medical technology and the generality of double-income families, young adults are busy for the work, so that don’t have much time to take care of the elderly and children. Therefore, the companion robot can help young adults take care of the elderly and children, also can reduce the pressure of young adults. It can also increase the family's sense of security and quality in the life. The main capabilities of the companion robot is to assisting the elderly and children’s life. It can take care and accompany the elderly and children, understand their behavior and make the corresponding response. In order to achieve interaction, companionship, care and observation effect. Therefore, this study proposes a vision-based human action recognition system for companion robots due to above’s advantages. The input videos of the proposed system is obtained from one Kinect 2.0 for Xbox One. In this study, Human feature extraction of the system can be divided into two parts, one is depth image information feature extraction, and the other is human contour feature extraction. When the system starts, the system verification of the human’s position from the input images, then do human feature extraction. In depth image information feature extraction, construction range histogram and cumulative the range histogram. Use the accumulated range histogram as depth image information feature. In human contour feature extraction, do the human contour detection, and compute the distance between each human contour’s point with top point. Calculate the cumulative difference contour’s distance to be human contour feature. In classification part, two stage hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines is used. The first stage is depth image information feature classification, and second stage is human contour feature classification. When the system did not gets the action classification from first stage, then do the second stage classification. There are eight action of this study, include walk, bow, shake hands, bend, take, wave right hand, wave left hand and squat. The number of experimental sequence is 760 with total 15156 frames. Each sequence only contains one action, while the average rate of human action recognition is 85.0%. As a result, the proposed system is robust and efficient.
Because of the advancement of medical technology and the generality of double-income families, young adults are busy for the work, so that don’t have much time to take care of the elderly and children. Therefore, the companion robot can help young adults take care of the elderly and children, also can reduce the pressure of young adults. It can also increase the family's sense of security and quality in the life. The main capabilities of the companion robot is to assisting the elderly and children’s life. It can take care and accompany the elderly and children, understand their behavior and make the corresponding response. In order to achieve interaction, companionship, care and observation effect. Therefore, this study proposes a vision-based human action recognition system for companion robots due to above’s advantages. The input videos of the proposed system is obtained from one Kinect 2.0 for Xbox One. In this study, Human feature extraction of the system can be divided into two parts, one is depth image information feature extraction, and the other is human contour feature extraction. When the system starts, the system verification of the human’s position from the input images, then do human feature extraction. In depth image information feature extraction, construction range histogram and cumulative the range histogram. Use the accumulated range histogram as depth image information feature. In human contour feature extraction, do the human contour detection, and compute the distance between each human contour’s point with top point. Calculate the cumulative difference contour’s distance to be human contour feature. In classification part, two stage hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines is used. The first stage is depth image information feature classification, and second stage is human contour feature classification. When the system did not gets the action classification from first stage, then do the second stage classification. There are eight action of this study, include walk, bow, shake hands, bend, take, wave right hand, wave left hand and squat. The number of experimental sequence is 760 with total 15156 frames. Each sequence only contains one action, while the average rate of human action recognition is 85.0%. As a result, the proposed system is robust and efficient.
人體動作辨識, Kinect 2.0 for Xbox One, 深度影像, 人物輪廓, Extreme Learning Machines, human action recognition, Kinect 2.0 for Xbox One, depth image, human contour, Extreme Learning Machines