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本研究主要目的在於探討合作學習透過文學閱讀對台灣重補修英文閱讀理解之效益。研究對象是六十八位宜蘭高中英文重補修一年級的學生,分為實驗、控制兩組,分別施以合作學習及傳統教學法,所有重補修學生在一個月內在課堂上學習七篇英文短篇故事。針對兩組研究對象的閱讀理解,研究者分別施以七份短篇故事「成就」測驗及三份「能力」測驗,作為效益之比較分析。至於研究對象對文學閱讀之反應及閱讀方面的認知,則施以文學閱讀問卷及後設認知問卷,以評估兩組間是否有差異,若無差異,則合併兩組看整體趨勢。此外,實驗組學生對合作學習活動之回應,則經由合作學習問卷得知。 本研究的主要發現摘要如下: 1.合作學習在增強學習動機及改善整體性閱讀理解能力方面,即使在男生低成就學生組成的同質性班級仍然有效。 2.經由統計分析,合作學習對全面閱讀理解能力的提升與傳統教學並無顯著差異。此外,以合作學習模式閱讀短篇故事的表現與以傳統教學模式閱讀短篇故事的表現相似。 3.後設認知策略閱讀問卷的結果及研究者的觀察顯示合作學習配合教師的引導協助對低成就學生助益更大。 4.研究對象不習慣合作教學法,必須給予事先的訓練及給予時間適應。此外,新的教學法要能持續有效果,最好持續一段時間直到所有參與者能內化所學的東西。 5.經問卷調查分析,以合作模式及傳統模式閱讀英文短篇故事都對文學教材持正面肯定的態度。 根據本研究的主要發現,研究者提出一些合作學習在高中重補修英文閱讀教學的建議: 1.合作學習可以作為高中重補修英文閱讀教學的選擇。 2.教師並非低成就學生學習唯一的來源,有時可以扮演諮詢者的角色。 3.教師在上課中應示範正確的閱讀策略,逐字翻譯會造成低成就學生對閱讀有錯誤的認知。 4.教科書並非唯一的教材,教師應該採用有趣的教材引起學生學習動機。 5.運用合作學習之前,應該教導學生正確的小組討論技巧的觀念。 6.教師應該多關心低成就學生,注意他們的進步並常讚美鼓勵他們。
This study aims to investigate the effects of cooperative learning through reading short stories on senior high repeaters’ reading comprehension. The subjects of the study are sixty-eight first-year senior high school repeaters. Thirty-three of them join in cooperative learning as the experimental group and thirty-five are instructed in the traditional teacher-oriented strategy as the control group. All the subjects are assigned to read seven simplified American writers’ short stories. Seven tests of reading comprehension achievement are conducted to explore the effects of cooperative learning on reading comprehension achievement. The pretest and the posttest of reading comprehension proficiency are administered to probe the learning effects of different instruction strategies. Besides, the same posttest is given two months after the experiment to determine the long-term effect of cooperative learning. Then, a metacognitive awareness questionnaire and a literature reading questionnaire are adopted to examine their perceptions of reading and of literature reading. If there is no difference between the two groups, the responses will be considered as a whole to see the general tendency. Finally, a cooperative learning questionnaire is used to evaluate the participants’ responses to cooperative learning. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1.Cooperative learning works in a homogeneous class of “male” “low achievers” in terms of the participants’ motivation and their academic performance in global comprehension. 2Although the effect of cooperative learning through literature reading on overall reading comprehension proficiency is not statistically better than that of teacher-oriented instruction, the participants involved in cooperative learning at least do as well as those in the traditional teacher-oriented classroom. 3.The results of the metacognitive awareness questionnaire and the researcher’s observation show that cooperative learning may produce better results on low achievers when teachers provide assistance or guidance. 4.Students should be given training in advance and given a period of time to get used to working cooperatively with others. Besides, if a new instruction strategy is to continuously have facilitative effects, it had better last for a period of time until the participants can internalize what they learn. 5.Low achievers get pleasure from literature reading. The attitudes toward and responses to literature reading have no differences between the experimental and control groups: being affirmative about the application of it in the reading class. Based on the main findings of the study, some pedagogical suggestions are provided for EFL teachers. 1.The results from this study show that the cooperative learning approach can be an alternative for teaching L2 reading in the make-up course. 2.Teachers are not always the only source of students’ learning. Instead, they should sometimes play the role of consultants. 3.Teachers should teach the correct strategy of reading by demonstrating in class. Translating the text word by word in class will cause low achievers to have wrong perceptions about reading. 4.Textbooks are not the only teaching materials. Thus, teachers should adopt interesting materials to motivate students’ learning. 5.Prior to the applications of cooperative learning, students should be given correct concepts about the skills of group learning and discussion. 6.Teachers should give more concern to low achievers, pay attention to their improvement, praise them and encourage them very often.



透過文學, 閱讀, 合作學習





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