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全球景氣大幅衰退,造成消費者行為大幅的轉變,在景氣展露疲態的低迷中,「宅經濟」成為拉抬市場的一股新動力,在台灣,「宅經濟」最具代表性之產業乃是線上遊戲產業。 然近年,線上遊戲產業因手機遊戲的崛起而面臨巨大的衝擊與挑戰,根據資策會產業情報研究所統計,2017年,手機遊戲市場規模可望達到新台幣101億元,面對如此龐大商機的市場,線上遊戲廠商與員工,莫不感受到強大的競爭壓力,而激烈的競爭環境,使產業內之員工面臨高度壓力與時間緊迫的工作型態,讓員工難以自工作中產生成就感與價值,故,了解影響員工工作價值觀、敬業貢獻與工作滿足之原因必將是企業管理者重要的課題。本研究目的包含二項:1.探討工作價值觀、工作滿足對敬業貢獻之影響。2.探討工作滿足於工作價值觀與敬業貢獻之間所扮演的角色。 本研究以台灣線上遊戲產業之S公司為單一個案,研究結果發現:1.工作價值觀對工作滿足有正向影響。2.工作價值觀對敬業貢獻有正向影響。3.工作滿足對敬業貢獻有正向影響。4.工作價值觀透過工作滿足對敬業貢獻有部分中介效果。 本研究期望此研究結果,可以提供企業管理階層與人力資源單位,於未來進行人力資源政策之規劃與安排時,可進一步的去考量員工之工作價值觀與工作滿足造成員工敬業貢獻之影響,以提升員工於工作的敬業貢獻程度。
Because of the global economic downturn sharply , consumer behavior change greatly. "Home economy" has become a new wave of market power lift in this economic environment.The most representative industry of the "Home economy" is the online game industry in Taiwan. However, due to the rise of mobile games , online game industry face huge impacts and challenges in recent years. According to Industrial Information Institute statistics,mobile game market is expected to reach NT $ 10.1 billion yuan in 2017. Faced with such a huge market opportunity, online game makers and staff felt the strong competitive pressure. Employees faced with high levels of stress and time constraints of work patterns. Employees is difficult to produce a sense of accomplishment and work value. Cause understand the impact of work values, job satisfaction and work engagement will be the most importment issue of the company. The purpose of this study included two topic. First investigate is how work values, job satisfaction influence work engagement.Second investigate is what the role of job satisfaction between work values and work engagement. In this study, Taiwan's online game industry in the S company as a single case. The results showed: (1) Work values has a positive impact on job satisfaction. (2) Work values has a positive impact on work engagement. (3) Job satisfaction has a positive impact on work engagement. (4)The mediation of Job satisfaction in work values effecting on work engagement is only partial. This study results are expected enterprise management and human resources unit can considered related impacts while in the planning and arrangement of human resources policy.



工作價值觀, 工作滿足, 敬業貢獻, work values, job satisfaction, work engagement

