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本個案研究以台灣一所成長中的華德福學校-豐樂實驗學校從無到有的創校歷程為研究焦點,探討該校在創辦歷程中所經過的發展階段與發展任務,研究該校採取的學校組織經營與運作模式,並分析該校社群發展與教育實踐的情形。透過觀察、訪談和文件分析,記錄並評析該校自2000年至2005年間的辦學經驗,本研究的目的為: (一)記錄豐樂實驗學校從無到有的誕生歷程,分析其發展階段與任務。 (二)探討豐樂實驗學校在創辦過程中所遭遇到的問題與解決之道。 (三)分析豐樂實驗學校的組織經營與發展,了解華德福學校三元組織理念的落實情形。 (四)研究豐樂實驗學校社群生活,從學生和教師的角度來了解華德福教育實踐的情形。 (五)評析豐樂實驗學校的家長在辦學過程中所扮演的角色。 (六)歸納研究發現,做成結論與建議,作為教育研究與實務工作者之參考。 豐樂實驗學校的創辦過程可分為五期:前奏、孕育、轉折、陣痛、新生。每個時期有不同的發展任務,在努力經營成為一所華德福學校的過程中,豐樂實驗學校辦學團隊要面對許多挑戰與挫折,有些問題仍有待釐清並設法解決。 從豐樂實驗學校的老師與家長一起工作的經營模式中,可以發現:整個學校社群的確致力於實踐華德福教育,並且採取華德福學校特有的三元組織來經營學校,強調成員的自我管理與共和領導,不設校長,而是設置教師團、校務委員會和家長會,分工合作以促進學校發展。家長和教師一起工作、支持教師、參與辦學、分擔校務和義工支援,過程中也促成每個家長的學習與成長。家長在豐樂實驗學校的創辦過程中扮演支持的角色,不可或缺,是學校重要的教育伙伴。 在有限的人力、物力和財力的情況下,豐樂實驗學校社群生活安排規律有序的節奏,師生進行主課程與其他學科課程的教與學,全校慶典是凝聚共識、成果分享、學習回顧、與溫暖關懷的時刻。 目前豐樂實驗學校仍有許多待克服的難題,例如:學校未來發展的願景與方向是否可以更明確?內部組織架構與運作是否能更上軌道?三元組織如何取得平衡?經費、設備與環境是否能更充足完備以符合華德福教育理想?學校社群是否更能支持教師實踐華德福教育?能不能發展出融入本土文化的華德福課程?家長是否能更深入了解華德福教育、持續參與學校社群發展?剛剛誕生的豐樂實驗學校,還有很長的路要走,相關的課題仍有待後續的努力與發展。 探討豐樂實驗學校的辦學過程與經驗,研究者首先提出十二項建議供豐樂實驗學校辦學團隊未來發展時參考;其次,借鏡豐樂實驗學校的辦學經驗,研究者對另類學校辦學團隊提出六項建議;再者,由辦學理念與學校願景、學校組織再造與行政革新、課程發展與課程革新、和學校社群營造等四方面,整理出對一般公立學校教育的啟示。最後,研究者提出六項未來值得研究的主題與方向供教育研究者參考。
The focus of this case study is to document the process of the development of Fong-Le School, a ‘ becoming’ Waldorf school which is located in the central part of Taiwan. Fong-Le School was just established in March of 2005, however her initiators worked together after December of 2000. Based on the participation of the researcher who is also one of parents of Fong-Le School, the data of school files, and formal and informal interviews, the school life history since 2000 was reconstructed and written in this thesis. Therefore, the purpose of this study is: (1) to analyze the periods and tasks of development of Fong-Le School; (2)to find the problems and resolutions during the process of school-building; (3)to realize the threefold structure of Fong-Le School’s organization; (4)to research the life of community of Fong-Le School and the practice of Waldorf education; (5)to clarify the role of parents of Fong-Le School during the process of establishment of the school. Finally, the researcher tries to summarize the discoveries and to offer some suggestions to Fong-Le School , the other alternative schools and public schools. Briefly speaking, Fong-Le School is “reborn” by her initiators! After the disappointment of the first trial, the parents and teachers tried again and strived to move to another place to begin a new Waldorf school, Fong-Le School. The process of the initiative of the school was very difficult. Lack of money, buildings, and facilities, parents and teachers of Fong-Le School work together to practice Waldorf education in the light of Anthroposophy and to manage the school in the guidance of the Threefold Social Order. In conclusion, it is realized from the experience of development of Fong-Le School that although the school was just established, her aim to become a Waldorf school is strongly supported by her initiators. However, the Fong-Le School community still faces challenges: her vision and direction in the future, the organization and management of the school, her finances and facilities, her own buildings, etc. And the destiny of Fong-Le School, becoming a Waldorf school, means that there needs more Waldorf teachers trained, more research on Waldorf curriculum suitable for the children in Taiwan. Of course, the survival and prosperity of the school is dependent on the cohesion and striving of the whole community of the school.



華德福學校, 豐樂實驗學校, 另類學校, 學校組織, 家長參與興學, Waldorf school, Fong-Le School, School Organization, Alternative School, Parent Participation

