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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center
2006年10月在日本辦理的第9屆亞太地區聾教育會議已落幕,共有17國1200人參加;本國的人與會(占1.25%),論文發表24篇(占12.6% )。分場報告的篇數多,各國代表從各場次的報告中得知本國啟聰教育與研究的進步情形,約略平衡我國未被邀請上台對全體會員做現況報告之遺憾。被選為大會第二天會場的樁山莊,建立於1878年,充滿自然庭園趣味,這種不在同一個場地舉辦會議的方式,讓與會者有機會看到主辦圓的文化面。參觀百年老字號的筑波大學附設聾校,發現該校學生集全國菁英,甚至有學生不去普通學校,透過考試擊敗各地高手,得以就讀此校。新的聽力檢查技術與電子耳蝸的使用,不見得保證它會獨領風騷,百年來的口語與手語爭辯,在日本也還是各自表述。有鑑於我國代表在大會總會場可能會不被重視或不被邀請,未來國人出席國際會議,必須更努力去做口頭報告,自行建立均勢,並且呈現我國在各領域的進步與現況。
The 9th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness (APCD) holding in Japan in October, 2006 had come to the end. There were 1200 delegates from 17 countries attending the APCD. Fifteen representatives (1.25%) were from Taiwan and presented 24 papers (12.6%). Delegates from all over Asia were aware of the progress and current status of the hearing impaired education in Taiwan through various reports presented in different sessions. It counterbalanced to a certain degree and offset the regret that our national representative was not invited to report at the plenary session. Chinzan-so was a historical and natural garden built in 1878. It gave the delegates a taste of the cultural side of Japan. The visit to the school of the deaf which is affiliated to Tsukuba University had surprised us that students had to defeat others to get into it and a lot of them preferred to go to this school than to attend regular schools. The new techniques of screening and diagnosing hearing impairment as well as cochlear implant do not promise its leading role in rehabilitation. The disputes between oral and sign were still going on in many countries. To overcome the difficulty of the status of our country in the international conference, it is encouraged that all delegates present as many papers as possible to make other delegates be aware of the progress of our country.
The 9th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness (APCD) holding in Japan in October, 2006 had come to the end. There were 1200 delegates from 17 countries attending the APCD. Fifteen representatives (1.25%) were from Taiwan and presented 24 papers (12.6%). Delegates from all over Asia were aware of the progress and current status of the hearing impaired education in Taiwan through various reports presented in different sessions. It counterbalanced to a certain degree and offset the regret that our national representative was not invited to report at the plenary session. Chinzan-so was a historical and natural garden built in 1878. It gave the delegates a taste of the cultural side of Japan. The visit to the school of the deaf which is affiliated to Tsukuba University had surprised us that students had to defeat others to get into it and a lot of them preferred to go to this school than to attend regular schools. The new techniques of screening and diagnosing hearing impairment as well as cochlear implant do not promise its leading role in rehabilitation. The disputes between oral and sign were still going on in many countries. To overcome the difficulty of the status of our country in the international conference, it is encouraged that all delegates present as many papers as possible to make other delegates be aware of the progress of our country.