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本文以現代客家音樂創作者─謝宇威為研究對象。謝宇威於1991年開始創作音樂,目前出版六張音樂專輯,本文以謝宇威1995年至2014年間之音樂出版品為研究範圍,深入探討及分析。 第一章內容為研究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟及研究範圍與限制,以蒐集之專書、論文、期刊及報章雜誌等文獻進行探討;第二章講述謝宇威生平及歷程,透過訪談並蒐集專輯作品、曲譜等,匯整其生平與創作理念,統整唱片作品數量、歌曲類型等,並以表格、量化圖呈現;第三章以謝宇威的創作音樂─通俗音樂、童謠與爵士唐詩音樂之內容,依曲譜中的旋律、節奏、調性等方面進行分析,並將曲譜中的歌詞做聲韻處理;第四章筆者將針對謝宇威改編之客家傳統音樂作品為主,以客家傳統曲調與其改編音樂內容進行旋律的分析與比較;第五章內容將對於本文做統整及歸納。 本文透過文獻、曲譜、音樂蒐集及實際訪談等方式進行分析、比較、統整。期望藉由本文將謝宇威的創作音樂進行梳理與論述,能使客家傳統音樂及客家創作音樂更為大眾所理解,亦期望本研究對於未來有關客家音樂之研究者有所助益。
This thesis focuses on the analysis of contemporary Hakka music by HSIEH Yu-Wei published between 1995 and 2014 with an attempt to compare the characters of both raditional Hakka music and its current adaptions. Chapter one explains the methodology of this thesis and the source materials, such as publications, journals, newspapers, and articles. Chapter two elaborates on HSIEH Yu-Wei’s background and experience related to music learning and composition by interviews, scores, and albums for a deeper understanding of his music conceot. Chapter three emphasizes on the attributes of HSIEH Yu-Wei’s music compositions by detailed analysis on melody, rhythm, tonality and phonological translation on the lyrics. With comparison on traditional Hakka music and HSIEH Yu-Wei’s adaptation, chapter four concentrates on the correlation and diversity between those two. As a conclusion, chapter five integrates all the materials and restates the main point ofthis thesis.



謝宇威, 音樂創作, 通俗音樂, 童謠, 爵士唐詩, 客家音樂, HSIEH Yu-Wei, music composition, popular music, nursery rhymes, jazz poetry, Hakka music

