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本研究旨在瞭解我國公立高中公民與社會教科書選用方式及不同背景變項之公民與社會科教師就教科書選用規準之重視程度是否存在差異,並綜合研究結果就我國高中公民與社會科教科書選用對我國高中公民與社會科教師、教科書出版社及後續研究者提出建議。 本研究使用問卷調查法,使用研究者自編之「全國高中公民與社會科教科書選用方式與選用規準問卷」對於全國公立高中之公民科教師進行分層抽樣。透過量化方式進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、和單因子變異數等分析。 就選用方式而言:研究分析結果指出,我國高中公民與社會科教師為教科書選用之主要人員。而在進行教科書選用決策前,有高達89.3%的教師會與同儕進行討論,在選用方式則 「討論後,採共識決決定」為最多數的教師採用的方式。 就整體選用規準而言,我國公立高中公民與社會科教師在教科書選用時最重視選用規準中的「內容」屬性,最不重視的為教科書的「發行」屬性。以教師背景變項而言,不同性別、年齡、學歷、師培背景、服務年資、職位、是否擔任召集人之教師對不同的選用規準之重視程度有差異存在。就任教學校背景變項而言,不同規模的學校對不同的教科書選用規準重視程度有差異存在。
The purpose of this research is mainly focused on finding out the manner of choosing a Civics textbook in our public senior high schools and whether there exist differences in the emphasis on textbook selection criteria among Civics teachers with different background variables. The research was conducted with Questionnaire Survey, using questionnaires designed by the researcher to conduct Stratified sampling among Civics teachers in public high schools across the country. The researcher conducted the analysis of Descriptive statistics, Independent-Sample T Test, one-way ANOVA and so on through quantitative research. In terms of the current situation in textbook choosing, the Civics teachers in our senior high schools are the primary members in charge of choosing the Civics textbook. Up to 89.3% teachers will discuss with their peers first before making the final decision on choosing the textbook. As for the textbook choosing manner, most teachers would adopt the consensus decision-making method after the discussion. In terms of the whole selection criteria, when choosing a textbook, the Civics teachers in our senior high schools value content property the most while publishing property of textbooks the least. As far as the background variables of teachers are concerned, there exist differences in the emphasis on various selection criteria between teachers' gender, age educational background, Teacher Education Background, length of service, job position, and whether they are serving as the coordinator. In terms of the background variables of schools, there exist differences among different school sizes in the emphasis on various selection criteria.



教科書選用, 選用規準, textbook choosing, selection criteria

