《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》實施後高中教師教學生活世界殖民化之研究——以Jürgen Habermas生活世界觀為視角

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本研究旨在探討《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要》(以下簡稱《108課綱》)實施後,高中教師教學生活世界殖民化現象所產生的變化,並從Jürgen Habermas「生活世界觀」的視角進行論述。本研究採用「半結構式深度訪談法」,以10位普通高中教師為對象進行資料蒐集。根據研究結果提出六項反思:一、發展素養課程宜回歸生活世界﹔ 二、建立專業社群宜強調溝通行動﹔ 三、審議政策須營造理想言談情境﹔ 四、解構科層體制須講求分權領導﹔ 五、發展教師專業應轉化教師思維﹔ 六、提升專業認同應樹立教師權威。 經過詮釋和討論,研究者發現《108課綱》實施後,教師教學生活世界中存在現代性和後現代性的張力,並歸納出六項研究結論: 一、Habermas生活世界觀的內涵能提供具體的參照及反思﹔ 二、現代性造成教師教學生活世界在「文化」、「社群」和「人格」三方面產生殖民化現象﹔ 三、實施《108課綱》後,在「文化」方面,教師教學已漸趨回歸生活世界,並發揮「文化再造」的功效﹔ 四、實施《108課綱》後,在「社群」方面,教師社群的權力結構和領導方式已發生改變﹔ 五、實施《108課綱》後,在「人格」方面,教師已體認到專業發展和專業認同的重要性﹔ 六、Habermas生活世界觀對教師教學生活世界合理化具有多項啟發的蘊義。
The purpose of this study is to explore the changes in the teaching lifeworld colonization of high school teachers following the implementation of the “Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education” (hereinafter referred to as “108 Curriculum Guidelines”), and to analyze it from Jürgen Habermas' lifeworld perspective. The study employed the semi structured in-depth interview method to gather data from 10 ordinary high school teachers. Based on the research findings, this article proposes six reflections: 1. Competency-oriented courses should be grounded in the lifeworld. 2. Communicative actions should be emphasized in teachers' professional communities. 3. The deliberation policy must be implemented in an ideal speech situation. 4. The bureaucratic system must be deconstructed to decentralized leadership.5. Teachers should transform their educational thinking for professional development.6. To enhance professional identity, teachers should establish their authority.After the researchers' interpretation and discussion, it was found that after the implementation of the "108 Curriculum Guidelines.", There is a tension between modernity and postmodernity existed in the teaching lifeworld. Six research conclusions were summarized: 1. Habermas' concept of lifeworld can provide specific reference and reflection; 2. Modernity has resulted in the colonization of the teaching lifeworld in terms of "culture", "community" and "personality"; 3. After the implementation of the "108 Curriculum Guidelines", in terms of "culture", teachers' teaching has gradually returned to the lifeworld and exerted the effect of "cultural reproduction"; 4. After the implementation of the "108 Curriculum Guidelines", in terms of "society", there have been changes in the power structure and leadership style of teacher communities; 5. After the implementation of the "108 Curriculum Guidelines", in terms of "character", teachers have recognized the importance of professional development and identity;6. Habermas's concept of lifeworld has provided insightful inspiration for rationalizing the teaching lifeworld.



十二年國民基本教育課程綱要, 108課綱, 哈伯瑪斯, 生活世界殖民化, Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, 108 Curriculum Guidelines, Jürgen Habermas, Colonization of the Lifeworld





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