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一個有效率的會議,必須充分運用人力資源與避免時間浪費,如此始可達成會議之目的。立法院為我國最高立法機關,90年代起地位日漸重要。在精省與國民大會虛級化後,立法院更成為唯一的民意代表機關,其重要性可想而知。由於立法院所進行的會議議程關係全民福祉,因此會議績效之良窳,往往是民眾關心的重點。 本研究採用平衡計分卡(balanced score card , BSC)之理論基礎與相關文獻分析,並提出立法院會議績效管理之五大構面、十六項策略主題及四十九項工作項目。藉由相關專家代表之問卷填答,採用層級分析法(analytic hierarchy process , AHP)分析結果,取得各層級項目之相對權重,建構出立法院會議績效管理之關鍵績效指標(key performance indicator, KPI),作為提升立法院會議績效管理之基礎;並推導出立法院會議績效管理策略地圖,歸納出主流程、次流程與關鍵流程等最佳決策,作為提供立法院提升會議績效管理之參考。 審視立法院政治生態改變後之會議運作概況,發現立法委員人數減半對提升會議績效並無顯著成效,且會議績效不彰之原因應可歸納為非制度面與制度面探討。最後將「公民參與」概念與本研究之立法院會議績效管理指標及策略地圖相結合,勾勒出立法院會議績效管理模式雛形,作為提升會議績效管理之參考,以達成提升國會形象及尊嚴之最終目的。
To achieve an effective conference which serves its purposes, time and resources ought to be precisely managed. The role of Legislative Yuan, the supreme legislative organization of Republic of China, has become of more importance since 1990s, with the downsizing of Taiwan Province Government and the degradation of National Assembly. As Legislative Yuan has become the sole governmental institution to gather and reflect public opinions, its status today involves power endowed by citizens and representation of nation’s interests. The regular meeting held at Legislative Yuan aim to discuss and pursue nation’s benefits, therefore, the performance management of which is inevitably the main concern of the general public. In this study, five constructs, sixteen theme strategies and forty nine work items are proposed on the basis of balanced score card (BSC) theory and related literatures. Respective hierarchy weights are obtained through the surveys on experts in the field by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to develop the key performance indicators (KPI) of Legislative Yuan’s meeting performance management. Furthermore, based on the KPI acquired through survey and analysis, a strategy map for management of meeting performance will be generated on respective decision levels, as a suggestion to promotion of meeting performance management at Legislative Yuan. On examining the operation of the meetings after the change in political environment, the study found that the reduction of legislator seats to half doesn’t help enhance the meeting performance and the poor performance can be attributed into institutional and non-institutional factors, which are discussed in this study. Moreover, the concept of “Civil Participation” is combined with meeting performance management and strategy map in this study to propose a primary model of meeting performance management for daily practice, whose goal is to enhance the public perception and efficiency of our national congress.



立法院, 績效管理, 平衡計分卡, 層級分析法, 策略地圖, Legislative Yuan, Performance Management, Balanced Score Card, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Strategy Maps

