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本研究旨在探究大學生憂鬱、社會支持與諮商求助態度之關係,研究方法主要採用問卷調查法,以就讀於北部的大學生為研究樣本,並以分層立意取樣抽取受試者,有效回收 892 份。 本研究主要研究工具為「董氏憂鬱量表(大專版)」、「支持、鼓勵、安慰分量表」及「求助態度量表」。資料處理的方法,包括描述性統計分析、積差相關、t 考 驗、單因子變異數分析、階層迴歸分析等統計方法。主要結果如下:1. 大學生有 求助者佔全體 20.4%。2. 大學生的憂鬱會因性別不同而有差異,但在年級上,不會因年級不同而有差異。3. 大學生社會支持會因性別和戀愛經驗而有差異。4. 大學生的諮商求助態度會因性別不同而有差異。5. 大學生憂鬱和諮商求助態度間呈現負相關。6. 大學生憂鬱和社會支持間呈現負相關。7. 大學生社會支持和諮商求助態度間呈現正相關。8. 大學生憂鬱和社會支持可有效預測諮商求助態度。研究者根據研究結果進行討論,並提出具體建議,期能供實務工作和未來研究者參考。
This study aimed to investigate the relationship among depression, social support, and help-seeking attitudes of college students in Taiwan. This study used stratified purposive sampling to choose sample of university students (N = 892). The students are in various grades from northern Taiwan. The sample were administered a battery of self- report instruments including personal data form, Tung’s Depression Inventory for College Students (TDICS), Chinese version of Social Support Questionnaire, and Chinese version of Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale - Short Form. All valid data were analyzed with Descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and hierarchical regression. The study revealed the following results: (a) The prevalence of college students with help-seeking experience was 20.4% (b) There were gender difference on depression, but no difference among college students of different grades. (c)There were gender and romance status difference on social support. (d) There were gender difference on help-seeking attitude. (e) A significantly correlation is shown depression, social support, and help-seeking attitudes. (f) Depression and social support significantly predict help-seeking attitudes of college students. Suggestions for research and practice as well as limitations were presented in the end of this study.



憂鬱, 社會支持, 諮商求助態度, depression, help-seeking attitudes, social support





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