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本研究旨在探討東西方在不同時空背景下,頂蓋商業空間中不見天街與與購物中心拱廊空間之差異,並以文獻分析與觀察法進行研究。在個案中,本文將不見天街依照型態分為亭式、棚式及騎樓式,以鹿港、九份及石碇不見天街為研究對象;拱廊空間則依照圍塑程度分為全採光、局部採光及封閉式,以達拉斯蓋樂瑞雅、東京多彩城及台北101購物中心為研究對象 。 研究成果發現,兩者在歷史發展皆源於露天商業街道,在空間構成異同主要分為三個層面。 一、商業層面:皆提供人群聚集及避免氣候干擾的購物環境;不同的是不見天街形成與產業結構息息相關,拱廊空間則與開發者決策有重要的關連。 二、休閒層面:皆為生活經驗的交流場所;但拱廊空間是經過計畫性的規劃,不見天街則否。 三、社會層面:帶動區域商業發展及影響公共特性;不同的事不見天街的崛起代表著聚落的鼎盛;拱廊空間的風潮意味著高級空間享受的注重。 最後,對於兩者的發展現象做出建議:在傳統商圈受到衝擊的同時,應考慮如何將不見天街的概念加以運用,再造以往大街文化;再者,拱廊空間設計必須考慮購物中心整體的空間性格,以避免格格不入的情境出現。 在後續研究方面,建議可以其他觀點或不同使用空間進行探討,並可結合問卷調查等量化方法,以更加充實研究的豐富性。
The purpose of this study is to discuss two different kinds of roofed commercial space of Oriental and Western cultures: the roofed street and galleria of shopping mall. In the case study, the roofed street is classified into pavilion style, canopy style, and portico style, and the roofed streets of Lugang, Jiufeng, and Shihding are studied. The galleria is classified into full natural lighting, partial lighting, and self-contained, and the Galleria of Dallas, Palette Town of Tokyo, and Taipei 101 Shopping Mall are studied. The results show thatthe roofed street and the galleria of shopping mall both originated from outdoor commercial streets, and there are three aspects to the spatial composition. 1) Business aspect: They both provide a place for crowd gathering while preventing the interference from weather; yet the development of the roofed street is closely related to the industries, and the development of the arched space is related to the decision of the developers. 2) Recreational aspect: They both are places for exchange of life experience; yet, the galleria is planned, and the roofed street is not. 3) Social aspect: They both contribute to the regional commercial developments and affect the public characteristics; yet, the formation of the roofed street indicates the prosperity of the region, and the galleria indicates attention paid to high-class environment. Lastly, suggestions are made to the development of the two. As the traditional business centers face the impact, the concept of roofed street should be taken into consideration to create the street culture. The design of galleria should take the spatial characteristics of the shopping mall into consideration to minimize incompatibility. In further research, it is suggested to discuss other viewpoints or use of space, and incorporate quantitative methods, such as questionnaire, to enrich the content of the research.



頂蓋商業空間, 不見天街, 購物中心拱廊空間, roofed commercial space, roofed street, galleria of shopping mall





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