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本研究採取質性的行動研究法,以國中九年級的一個班級,11位男生和13位女生,共24位學生為主要研究參與者,依照其學習狀況與家庭社經背景,建構並實施階級議題融入國中數學教學之多元文化課程。研究旨在透過行動研究取向之課程設計與教學實踐,採取質性研究的觀察、訪談、檔案文件等進行資料蒐集與分析,從課程與教學、學生學習成效、及教師專業成長三個層面,探究多元文化課程的建構與實施。 研究結果如下:一、課程由貼近學生生活經驗取材,以「同心圓」方式向外擴張,建構有助於學生數學學習之階級議題多元文化課程。二、採用異質性分組合作學習,可凸顯階級文化差異性,並形成自然的互補現象,讓不同階級的學生都能參與及提供貢獻,增強自我價值感。三、多元的教學策略與評量方式,學生可展現多元的能力,提升數學課堂參與和學習成效。四、多元文化課程可提升學生正確的階級認知,培養尊重階級差異的態度,發展友善接納的階級關係,以及展現階級互助合作的關懷行動。五、階級議題融入國中數學課程與教學,能突破數學學習之多元文化視野,並加強數學能力與職業關係的連結。六、教師透過階級議題融入數學教學之多元文化課程的建構與實施,得以提升多元文化教師專業成長。
This action research is a case study of a ninth grade class, a total of 24 students, including 11 boys and 13 girls. Based on each student’s learning situation and family socioeconomic status, this research constructed multicultural curriculum with social class issue and implemented it in mathmetics teaching. Through qualitative analysis of data of observations, interviews, and document, this study inquired the construction and implementation of multicultural curriculum, the outcomes of student learning and the professional growth of teachers. The results are as follows: 1. Multicultural curriculum is to be designed with the experience of students' life, expanding outwards in a form of concentric circles. It combines social class issue and contributes to disadvantaged social class students to learn math. 2. Cooperative learning in heterogeneous groups highlightes the differences in class culture and causes a natural complementarity. Students of different social classes can participate and contribute in the classes. They can also promote their self-worth.3. Multiple teaching strategies and assessment methods enable students to show a variety of problem-solving strategies. Participation in math course and effectiveness in math learning both increase.4. Multicultural curriculum enhances students' social class awareness, cultivates their attitude to respect class differences, developes friendly class relations, and has them take action on mutual cooperation between different classes.5. Mathematics curriculum and teaching with class issue has breakthroughs in multicultural vision in mathematics. It also strengthens the link between mathematical ability and professional relationship.6. Through the construction and implementation of mathematical curriculum with class issue, mathematics teachers can enhance professional growth in multiculturalism.



社會階級, 多元文化課程, 刻板印象, 自我認同, 生命述說, social class issue, multicultural curriculum, stereotype, self identity





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