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越南自秦漢以來納為中國版圖,很早就有飲茶風氣。從東亞茶文化的傳播途徑來看,佛教禪宗、陶瓷貿易和文學的發展促進了東亞文化圈如日本、韓國的發展。這些發展有賴貿易、交通、航海來傳播,越南亦為相同的發展脈絡。但因為實物資料缺乏之故,使得越南茶缺乏文化主體的論述。越南歷史中戰爭頻繁,導致越南茶文化的歷史地位較少被談及、研究。 當代討論較多的是越南的茶產業。19世紀後期法國納越南為殖民地,使近代史的越南漸脫離中國北屬脈絡。法屬時期越南茶產業得以擴大規模,並且茶葉外銷情況越發興盛,又因30年代國際經濟大恐慌,促進了越南茶農晉升為小地主階層。20世紀越南國內戰爭頻仍,導致茶產業的敗壞,當代的越南茶在全球茶市場處於議價能力較低的地位。當代越南茶產業受到許多挑戰,但透過官方和民間的努力,越南茶產業正在努力提升地位。 關於越南茶文化在歷史和茶產業的主體性論述,本文指出越南在東亞茶文化中扮演南向傳播茶文化的角色,不斷吸納外來文化是越南文化的特色。在國際化的當代社會中,越南茶文化的主體性建立必須以越南為主體進行論述,透過文化意識的覺醒,以及茶產業的精益求精,茶文化的主體性建構將能擺脫越南戰爭歷史的苦痛,為二十一世紀的越南文化樹立絕代風華。
Since both the Qin and Han dynasties, Vietnam has served an integral part of the Chinese field due to its long-standing cultural history of tea. Based on this perspective, the development of Zen Buddhism, ceramic trade and literature has caused the development of East-Asian cultural circles consisting of countries such as Japan and South Korea. These developments depended on trade, transportation, and navigation in order to promulgate Vietnam’s development. However, due to the lack of physical properties, Vietnamese tea lacks the proper discussion involving cultural subjectivity. The frequent wars that occurred throughout Vietnam’s history have led to lesser historical analysis and research of Vietnamese tea. Contemporary discussion is more geared towards the tea industry in Vietnam. During the late 19th-century, Vietnam became a French colony, subsequently transforming Vietnam’s modern history into one that was gradually separating itself from northern China. During the French colonial period, the Vietnamese tea industry was able to grow, and tea exports became more prosperous, leading to Vietnamese tea farmers becoming landlords due to the widespread panic of the international economy during the 1930s. The frequent domestic wars throughout Vietnam during the 20th century initiated the corruption of the tea industry. Contemporary Vietnamese tea is considered being that of the lower bargaining power position in the global tea market. The contemporary Vietnamese tea industry currently faces many obstacles, yet the Vietnamese tea industry is striving to improve its status through the efforts exerted by both the government and the private sector of Vietnam. Regarding the discussion of cultural subjectivity of the history and industry of Vietnamese tea, this study indicates that Vietnam plays an important role in East Asia, and continues to attract foreigners. In this world’s current society, the establishment of the main body of the Vietnamese tea culture must be grounded in Vietnam. Through the awakening of cultural awareness and the improvement of the tea industry, the construction of cultural subjectivity concerning its tea will be able to get rid the pain of the Vietnam War’s history, therefore lead Vietnam to establish a fascinating culture for the Vietnamese during the 21st century.



越南, 茶文化, 茶產業, 法屬印度支那, 文化主體性, Vietnam, tea culture, tea industry, Indochina, cultural subjectivity





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