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於工業迅速發展之際,人們逐漸經濟自由,飲食市場、食品運輸、種植飼養、供給需求趨於平衡,卻無形中犧牲許多健康與生活環境。近年來食安問題頻繁發生,不管是食品添加:塑化劑、萊克多巴胺、黑心油品、肉品混參,抑或是水源污染、不良食品進口、基因改造、農地破壞⋯等。家禽肉類中不僅含有萊克多巴胺,動物密集飼養更引發傳染病:口蹄疫、狂牛症、禽流感;蔬果中許多用藥不當,農藥濫用、基因改造、重金屬污染⋯等情況,充斥在飲食中,食安問題層出不窮。故本研究以「食品安全」為題材,將家禽、蔬菜兩大面向之議題,融入相關報紙媒材、餐具圖形意象於創作中。深入研究拼貼藝術,並結合「食物設計」概念,賦予議題式海報創作不同的新意象。本研究彙整過去西洋藝術史各藝術流派對於不同時期之拼貼手法演變、結合當代食物設計概念應用與飲食文化相關文獻,並大範圍搜集拼貼表現技法、拼貼類型的海報及食物設計案例,奠定後續食安議題海報創作基調。海報設計以「AGI國際平面設計聯盟」作為取樣來源,藉由分析入選之平面設計師過去運用拼貼手法之作品,並針對拼貼手法、拼貼類型、構圖方式三大面向進行分類,應用於創作中。海報十四種肉品、蔬菜⋯等食物以食品安全因素分類,可大致區分為以下四大議題:動物傳染病、基因改造、農藥殘留、重金屬污染等。本研究經由驗證後,總結為:1. 在平面設計中,拼貼手法可以跳脫傳統繪畫表現形式,創造獨具特色之個人風格;2. 隨著電腦科技發展,拼貼表現形式已不完全以手作的方式呈現,複合媒材應用與數位化為未來創作趨勢;3. 食物設計涵蓋廣泛的跨領域合作,使平面設計增添更多元的可能性;4. 食品安全之重要性,應人人自危與互相督促。徹底的改善飲食習慣、食品製造與種植飼養方式,需要奠定堅實的食品安全知識,並推動相關的政策實施,才能有效減少黑心食品再次流通於市面上。
With the rapid advance of industrialization, people have gradually achieved economic freedom; however, as the supply and demand balance in the food market, food transportation, and planting and breeding, the development has inevitably sacrificed our health and living environment. Consequently, food safety issues have occurred frequently, including food additives such as plasticizers and Ractopamine, contaminated oil, or other food frauds. Moreover, similar issues such as water pollution, importing tainted food, genetically modified, or farmland damage are happening. For example, apart from the Ractopamine issue in poultry, confinement production has also led to severe infectious diseases, such as aphthous fever, mad cow disease, and avian influenza. Additionally, the food market is flooded with situations like improper use or abuse of pesticides in vegetables, genetically modified food, and heavy metal pollution, leading to endless food safety problems. Thus, this research focuses on “Food Safety”, considers the two major perspectives of poultry and vegetables, and combines the concept of “Food Design” to provide new imagery to issue-centered poster creation.The study collects various art genres in western art history regarding the evolution of collage techniques in different eras that combine relevant literature of food design concepts and food culture, organizes collage techniques, posters with various collage styles, and food design cases on a large scale, and builds the basis of the food-safety issue poster creation. Using the “Alliance Graphique Internationale” as the source of design sampling, the research analyzes the collage artworks of selected graphic designers, sorts the works into three major perspectives, collage techniques, collage styles, and composition methods for applying these ideas into the final design. Afterward, we divide fourteen poultry, vegetables, and food types by food safety factors into four categories: zoonosis, genetically modified food, pesticide residue, and heavy metal pollution. After the verification, the research conclusions are: 1. Collage techniques in graphic design can break through the formation of traditional painting, creating unique personal styles; 2. With the development of computer technology, collage does not merely limit to handmade methods; instead, the future design trends include mixed media and digitalization; 3. Food design contains interdisciplinary cooperation, enhancing the diverse possibility of graphic design; 4. The importance of food safety is genuinely a topic that everyone should be aware of and urge. By ultimately improving our eating habits, food production, planting, and breeding methods, establishing solid knowledge about food safety, and promoting and implementing relevant policies, we could effectively reduce the chances of having contaminated food on the market.



拼貼藝術, 拼貼手法, 食物設計, 食安議題, 海報設計, Collage, Collage Techniques, Food Design, Food Safety Issue, Poster Design





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