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本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣國民小學國樂團發展現況,以其設有國樂團之七所學校三百八十二位學生為對象,就學校支持度、教師教學專業度、家長參與配合度、學生自我評核度等四個層面加以調查,並進一步探析不同背景學生對國樂團看法之差異。研究方法採問卷調查,SPSS10.0軟體,以次數分配、百分比、獨立T檢定及單因子變異數進行分析及檢驗,獲得具體結論如下: 壹、學生對國樂團發展現況的看法 一、各校學生認為學校極為支持國樂團的發展 二、各校學生認同其樂團指導教師具有相當的教學專業度 三、學生認為在家長參與配合度僅具普通程度 四、學生認為練習投入程度及檢視自我學習方面僅達一般水準 貳、不同背景學生對國樂團發展看法之差異分析 一、不同「學校」學生在學校支持度、教師教學專業度、家長參與配合度及學生自我評核度等各層面看法均具差異 二、不同「性別」學生在教師教學專業度的看法具有差異 三、不同「年級」學生對於學校支持度及教師教學專業度的看法具有差異 四、不同「演奏樂器」學生在學校支持度、教師教學專業度、家長參與配合度及學生自我評核度等層面看法均不具差異 五、有無「額外音樂學習經驗」的學生對於學校支持度及教師教學專業度的看法具有差異 六、「家長有無參與後援會」的學生對於家長參與配合度的看法具有差異 七、「是否擁有個人樂器」的學生對於教師教學專業度的看法具有差異 根據研究結論,研究者並針對家長、學生及未來研究提出具體建議。
This study aimed to investigate the current development of Chinese Orchestras in elementary schools of Taoyuan County and 382 students from seven schools had participated in the study. It focused on the analysis of four dimensions: 1) the school support, 2) instructors’ teaching competence, 3) parental involvement and 4) students’self-evaluation .The differences on the opinions of students of various backgrounds would also be discussed. Methodologies were inclusive of questionnaires and the SPSS10.0 software. Data analysis were made through frequency distribution, T-test, percentage and ANOVA. The major findings are summarized as the following: I. Students' Opinions of the current status of the orchestras 1. Most students considered school staffs to be highly supportive of the development of their orchestra. 2. Most students considered instructors of such orchestras to have high teaching competence. 3. Most students considered their parents’ involvement in the orchestras to be merely average. 4.Most students considered their devotion into self-learning of the instrument to be only average. II. Differences on the opinions of student of various backgrounds: 1. Students from different schools had differences on the four dimensions. 2. Students of different genders had difference only on the dimension of “instructors’ teaching competence ”. 3. Students of different grades had difference on the dimension of “the school support ” and “instructors’ teaching competence ”. 4. Students who learned different instruments had no differences on the four dimensions. 5. Students who had extra musical learning experience had difference on the dimension of “the school support ” and “instructors’ teaching competence ”. 6. Students whose parents had participated in backup support groups had difference on the dimension of “the parental involvement.” 7. Students who had their own instruments had difference only on the dimension of “instructors’ teaching competence ”. Based on the results of this study, suggestions were provided to students, parents, and the future researches. Keywords: Chinese Orchestra in elementary schools; musical club.



小學國樂團, 音樂社團, Chinese orchestras in elementary schools, musical club

