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國人自實施週休二日以來,休閒時間增加,有時間處理家務事,再由於生活水準的提高,對於居家修繕方面,也比較用心了解,有些工作施做並不困難,自己也可以動手解決。本研究主要探究台北縣居民對居家修繕自己動手做的接受度。 依研究設計,居民的基本背景資料包括:性別、年齡、婚姻、經濟能力、教育程度、職業、居住地區、生活型態等分別與影響居家修繕自己動手做接受度分為六個構面(實用經濟、勞動休閒、生活創意、消費行為、工具使用及實際施工項目)做交叉分析,以了解之間是否顯著差異存在。 本研究之研究假設經問卷調查統計分析結果顯示: 一、在居家修繕DIY接受度男性高於女性的有:對工具使用上,女性高於男性的有:勞動休閒、生活創意。 二、已婚部份對各項接受度均高於未婚者,但未達顯著效果。 三、在年齡方面,41-50歲居民對問卷整體平均數上接受度最高。 四、在教育程度方面,以專科程度居民問卷全部平均接受度最高。 五、在不同家庭經濟因素方面以自認經濟「普通」居民在問卷全部平均接受度最高。 六、在職業因素方面,以職業從事「商業」居民接受度最高。 七、在不同地區因素方面,「都會區」居民對問卷全部平均數接受度較高,「郊區」較低。 八、在不同生活態度因素方面,「勞動休閒喜歡做」居民對問卷全部平均數接受度最高。
The people of our country from two day holidays of a week, they spend more time to do home business in more leisure. Because of the living standard growing up, they will more attentively understand home improvement. Some of home improvement is not difficult, you can do it yourself. The main purpose of this research is to explore the acceptance of home improvement by DIY in the Taipei County. According to the study of design, the data of residents background which excludes sex, age, marriage, economic ability , level of education, occupation, live district ,etc. analysis with the factors on the acceptance of home improvement(divided six parts which excludes “practice and economy”, “labor in leisure”, “life originality”, “consumer behavior,” “tool use” , “real construction items”), in order to realize whether there are obvious difference between them. The result of analysis by statistics show as follow: 1. In the acceptance of home improvement , male is good at “tools use”, female is good at “labor in leisure” and ‘life originality”. 2. Married is better than unmarried in the acceptance but not reach remarkable effect. 3. The age between 41 and 50 gets highest acceptance. 4. In the lever of education, academy lever gets highest acceptance. 5. One who thinks as “common” in economical ability, gets more acceptance. 6. In the occupation area, engaged in commerce gets more acceptance. 7. “Living in the city” gets more acceptance than “living in the suburb”. 8. In the different life attitudes, “labor in a leisure like to do” gets more acceptance.



居家修繕, 實用經濟, 勞動休閒, 生活創意, DIY, home improvement, practice and economy, labor in a leisure, life originality, DIY

